New Years in Ruka Valley

We propose the best way to start this 2024. An unforgettable trip to Lapland, a true natural paradise where you and your family can enjoy an incredible program of activities and excursions in the Arctic Circle. Reindeer, huskies, snowmobiles... and Santa's secret house.

Approximate price per family:
6565 $

From Santa Claus in Lapland, we offer you the best way to start the new year with this ideal program for traveling with children to Lapland; one of the most unforgettable experiences you can enjoy and that the whole family will remember forever. This time of year in Lapland is a very important date, not only because it is the home of the most famous Christmas character, Santa Claus, but also because of everything that these holiday days mean. On this trip to Lapland with children, you can meet Santa Claus himself, on an exclusive direct flight from Madrid or Barcelona. For this New Year's getaway in Lapland, we have chosen the RukaValley hotel, a superior category accommodation inaugurated in 2019. Are you ready to live a magical experience in Lapland?

Day 1. Spain - Rovaniemi - Ruka

Arrival at the airport. At the scheduled time, take a direct special flight to Rovaniemi. Lunch on board with drinks included. Arrival at Rovaniemi airport. Transfer to Ruka (approx. 240 km) with Elf assistance and a stop in Suomu to cross the Arctic Circle and receive a diploma. Arrival at the selected accommodation in the Ruka Village Ski Resort area, one of the best alpine ski resorts in Finland, located in the northeast of the country, on the edge of the imaginary line of the Arctic Circle. The area is surrounded by 3 National Parks: Oulanka National Park (with its famous hiking trail "The Bear's Trail"), Riisitunturi National Park, and Julma Ölkky. Before arriving at the accommodation, there will be a stop to pick up the thermal suits that can be used throughout the stay in Lapland. Arrival, dinner, and accommodation.

Day 2. Ruka: Husky dog safari and meeting with Santa Claus

Breakfast. In the morning, we will visit a husky dog farm to take an unforgettable ride through the snowy forest in a sled pulled by these charming animals and become authentic mushers. The transfer will be by coach to the farm, where these gentle friends will be waiting for us, eager to make their tour. Once given the instructions on how to drive the sled, we will set off: each adult participant will drive their own sled (2 people per sled, who will alternate the driver's position). An Arctic adventure! We will discover many curiosities of our new friends with the explanations of our guide. After the excursion, we will have lunch, and in the afternoon, we will transfer to Santa Claus's secret house. Santa Claus's house in Lapland is in front of a lake with incredible winter views. It has a natural snow slide area where both children and adults can enjoy themselves while Santa Claus waits for us in his cozy house with Mrs. Claus to meet him in person and have an unforgettable time. Upon entering the house, an elf will greet us and lead us to the living room where we will meet Santa Claus himself. We will spend a good time with him while he tells us stories and teaches us a song. Mrs. Claus will teach us her famous cookie recipe to bake later. With the unforgettable memories and all the magic of this visit, we say goodbye to Santa Claus and return to the accommodation. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 3. Ruka: Snowmobile Safari

Breakfast. In the morning, transfer to the local safari house where we will be equipped with helmets, gloves, and balaclavas to start the snowmobile safari. After receiving instructions from our guides to enjoy the experience safely, we will begin our adventure. Adults drive the snowmobiles (2 people per snowmobile) and children ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. We will contemplate the most picturesque landscapes during our journey, feeling the power of these machines in contrast to the silence of the snowy forest. Lunch during the excursion. After lunch, return to the establishment to rest. Free afternoon. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 4. Ruka: Visit to a reindeer farm and ice karting and mini snowmobile

Breakfast. In the morning, we will be transferred to a reindeer farm where we will learn about these animals from their Lappish breeders. We will have the opportunity to take a sleigh ride pulled by a reindeer and learn about their way of life. After this experience, we will stop for lunch at the reindeer farm. After lunch, we will be transferred to the Karting circuit, where a totally safe and high-adrenaline experience awaits us. We will have the opportunity to drive special karts to move on the snow or ice. Driving the karts is quite easy and it is an activity that can be done by all people (adults and children) with a minimum height that allows them to reach the accelerator and brake pedals. For children who cannot enjoy the karts, a special kart with a passenger seat driven by the guide is provided and they can also drive a mini snowmobile, a very fun experience that they will surely not forget. Return to the establishment. Dinner and overnight stay.

Day 5. Ruka: Ice fishing and snowshoeing

Breakfast. In the morning, we will head to a forest where we will start our snowshoeing journey to reach a lake where a fisherman will be waiting for us to teach us the technique of ice fishing. We will experience the feeling of walking on the ice, imagining that in summer this lake is over 10 meters deep. We will have a light lunch in a Kota around the fire. Return to the establishment and free afternoon to enjoy the alpine ski resort of Ruka or relax in a sauna. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 6. Ruka - Rovaniemi - Spain

Breakfast. Transfer to Rovaniemi with the assistance of elves and a stop at the Santa Claus village to visit craft and souvenir shops, send a letter or postcard from Santa Claus' official post office, and visit the different attractions of this magical world. At the indicated time, transfer to Rovaniemi airport. Check-in procedures. Departure by plane to Madrid/Barcelona. During the flight, we will enjoy a snack-dinner on board with a drink included. Arrival in Spain.

Desde Santa Claus in Lapland te proponemos la mejor manera de comenzar el nuevo año, con este programa ideal para viajar con niños a Laponia; una de las experiencias más inolvidables que podrás disfrutar y que toda la familia recordará para siempre. Esta época del año en Laponia es una fecha  de gran importancia, no sólo por ser el hogar del personaje más famoso de la Navidad, Papá Noel, sino por todo lo que significa estos días festivos. En este viaje a Laponia con niños podrás conocer al mismísimo Santa Claus, en vuelo directo exclusivo desde Madrid o Barcelona. Para esta escapada de fin de año en Laponia, hemos elegido el hotel RukaValley, un alojamiento de categoría superior inaugurado en 2019. ¿Estáis preparados para vivir una experiencia mágica en Laponia?

Día 1. España - Rovaniemi - Ruka

Presentación en el aeropuerto. A la hora indicada salida en vuelo especial directo a Rovaniemi. Almuerzo a bordo con bebida incluida. Llegada al aeropuerto de Rovaniemi. Traslado hasta Ruka (240 km aprox) con asistencia de Elfos y parada en Suomu para el cruce del Círculo Polar Ártico y entrega de diploma, llegada al alojamiento seleccionado en el área de Ruka Village Ski Resort, una de las mejores estaciones de esquí alpino de Finlandia, ubicada al noreste del país, en el borde de la línea imaginaria del Círculo polar Ártico. La zona está rodeada por 3 parques Nacionales: Oulanka National Park (con su famoso trekking la “The Bear´s Trail” (El Camino del Oso), Riisitunturi National Park y Julma Ölkky. Antes de llegar al alojamiento parada para recoger los trajes térmicos que podrás usar durante toda la estancia en Laponia. Llegada, cena y alojamiento.

Día 2. Ruka: Safari con perros huskies y encuentro con Papá Noel

Desayuno. Por la mañana nos dirigiremos a visitar una granja de perros huskies para realizar un paseo inolvidable por el bosque nevado en un trineo tirado por estos encantadores animales y convertirnos así en auténticos mushers. El traslado lo realizaremos en autocar hasta la granja, donde nos estarán esperando estos dóciles amigos ansiosos de realizar su recorrido. Una vez dadas las instrucciones de cómo conducir el trineo, nos pondremos en marcha: cada participante adulto conducirá su propio trineo (2 personas por cada trineo, que se alternarán la posición de conductor). ¡Toda una aventura ártica! Descubriremos muchas curiosidades de nuestros nuevos amigos con las explicaciones de nuestro guía. Terminada la excursión realizaremos el almuerzo y por la tarde nos trasladaremos hasta la casa secreta de Santa Claus. La casa de Papá Noel en Laponia está delante de un lago con increíbles vistas invernales. Dispone de una zona de toboganes naturales sobre la nieve donde niños y no tan niños disfrutarán mientras que Papá Noel nos espera en su acogedora casa con la Sra. Noel para conocerlo en persona y pasar un rato inolvidable. Al entrar en la casa nos recibirá un elfo y nos conducirá hasta el salón en el que conoceremos al mismísimo santa Claus, con él pasaremos un buen rato mientras nos cuenta historias y nos enseña alguna canción. La sra Claus nos enseñará su famosa receta de galletas para después hornearlas. Con el recuerdo imborrable y toda la magia de esta visita nos despedimos de Santa Claus y emprendemos el viaje de regreso al establecimiento. Cena y alojamiento.

Día 3. Ruka: Safari en moto de nieve

Desayuno. Por la mañana traslado hasta la casa de safaris local donde nos equiparemos con cascos, guantes y pasamontañas para iniciar el safari en moto de nieve. Tras las instrucciones de nuestros guías para disfrutar de la experiencia de una forma segura, iniciaremos la aventura. Los adultos conducen las motos (2 personas por moto) y los niños viajan en un trineo que arrastra la motonieve del guía. Contemplaremos los paisajes más bucólicos durante nuestra travesía, sintiendo la potencia de estas máquinas en contraste con el silencio del bosque nevado. Almuerzo durante la excursión. Después del almuerzo, regreso al establecimiento para descansar. Tarde libre. Cena y alojamiento.

Día 4. Ruka: Visita a una granja de renos y karting sobre hielo y mini moto de nieve

Desayuno. Por la mañana traslado hasta una granja de renos donde conoceremos los detalles de estos animales de mano de sus criadores lapones. Tendremos la oportunidad de realizar un paseo en trineo tirado por un reno y conoceremos su modo de vida. Después de esta experiencia haremos una parada para el almuerzo en la granja de renos. Tras el almuerzo se realiza el traslado al circuito de Karting, donde nos espera una experiencia totalmente segura, con mucha adrenalina. Tendremos la oportunidad de conducir karts especiales para desplazarse sobre la nieve o hielo. Conducir los karts es bastante fácil y es una actividad que pueden realizar todas las personas (adultos y niños) con una altura mínima que les permita llegar a los pedales de acelerador y freno. Para los niños que no puedan disfrutar de los karts se habilita un kart especial con asiento de pasajero conducido por el guía y también podrán conducir una mini - motonieve, una experiencia muy divertida que sin duda no olvidarán. Regreso al establecimiento. Cena y alojamiento.

Día 5. Ruka: Pesca en el hielo y raquetas de nieve

Desayuno. Por la mañana saldremos hacia un bosque donde comenzará nuestra travesía con las raquetas de nieve, llegaremos a un lago donde nos estará esperando un pescador que nos enseñará la técnica de pesca en el hielo. Experimentaremos la sensación de caminar sobre el hielo imaginándonos que en verano este lago tiene más de 10 metros de profundidad. Almuerzo ligero en una Kota alrededor del fuego. Regreso al establecimiento y tarde libre para disfrutar de la estación de esquí alpino de Ruka o disfrutar de una sauna. Cena y alojamiento.

Día 6. Ruka – Rovaniemi – España

Desayuno. Traslado hacia Rovaniemi con asistencia de elfos y parada en la aldea de Santa Claus para poder visitar las tiendas de artesanía y souvenirs, enviar una carta o postal desde la oficina de correos oficial de Papá Noel y visitar las diferentes atracciones de este mundo mágico. A la hora indicada, traslado al aeropuerto de Rovaniemi. Trámites de facturación. Salida en avión con destino Madrid/Barcelona. Durante el vuelo disfrutaremos de una merienda - cena a bordo con bebida incluida. Llegada a España.

Hotel Ruka Valley

The RukaValley hotel is a superior category accommodation that was inaugurated in December 2019 and offers mountain views. The establishment is located 13 km from the town of Ruka, which can also be accessed by cable car or ski bus. The hotel is located right at the foot of the ski slopes, cross-country ski tracks, and hiking trails that literally start from the hotel door. The establishment also offers a ski equipment rental service.

The hotel offers double rooms with mountain views, apartments with up to 2 bedrooms, a sauna, a flat-screen Smart TV, a kitchen equipped with a dishwasher and microwave, a washing machine, and 1 bathroom. The Village 2 Valley gondola allows guests to easily move from RukaValley to the town of Ruka without a car. Hotel RukaValley guests have a gondola ticket included, which can be obtained at the hotel reception. The gondola transports skiers and pedestrians across the mountain. A continental breakfast is served every morning. Guests can also enjoy drinks and dinner at the Camp Kitchen restaurant located on the ground floor.

The location is ideal for a family with children as there is a Children's Family Park and KidsClub with nurseries, slides, and very easy beginner slopes right in front of the hotel.

Program from December 28, 2023 to January 2, 2024

Hotel Ruka Valley

Family Price
1 adult + 1 child $6565
2 adults $7139
1 adult + 2 children $8545
2 adult + 1 child $8629
2 adult + 2 children $11549
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to October 18, 25%
from October 19 to November 28, 50%
cancellation from November 29, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight Spain-Rovaniemi
English and Spanish-speaking escort guides at destination
Transfers airport-hotel-airport with the assistance of elves
Thermal suit throughout the stay
5 nights hotel Ruka Valley
Meals and excursions indicated in the itinerary
Meeting with Santa Claus
Reindeer sleigh ride
Snowmobile safari
Husky sleigh ride
Ice Karting
Mini Snowmobile
Ice fishing
Snowshoe excursion 
Gift kit for adults and children
Complete online documentation
Basic insurance included
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Flight schedule from Madrid
12/28/2023 Madrid 09:00 Rovaniemi 15:00
01/02/2024 Rovaniemi 16:00 Madrid 20:15
Flight schedule from Barcelona
12/28/2023 Barcelona 11:00 Rovaniemi 16:50
01/02/2024 Rovaniemi 15:50 Barcelona 19:30
It will interest you to know
Children are considered to be between 2 to 11 years old
The excursions are carried out in regular service with a local English-speaking guide with translation by the accompanying guide.
The order of the excursions may vary with respect to this itinerary. The final confirmation will be a few days before departure. The indicated duration of the excursions refers to the total of the same, from the departure of the accommodation to the return and are approximate.
The excursions on motorcycles and sleds are carried out based on two people sharing the vehicle, one driving the snowmobile and the other as a passenger. The minimum age to drive snowmobiles is 18 years old. In order to drive a snowmobile it is mandatory to be in possession of a car or motorcycle driver's license (more than 125cc.), valid in Europe. During the snowmobile excursion, minors travel in a sled as indicated in the itinerary. All snowmobiles have comprehensive insurance, with an excess of €1,000, for which each participant is responsible in the event of an accident. The guides inform about it during the excursions.
Due to weather conditions and for security reasons, excursions may change their itinerary, duration or even cancellation without prior notice. In the event that causes of force majeure do not allow it to be carried out and must be cancelled, the amount thereof will be refunded upon return.
Complete outfit for the entire stay (thermal overalls, gloves, wool socks and winter boots)


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