Christmas in Luxury Cabins in Ruka

From Santa Claus in Lapland, we want to offer you a unique adventure to enjoy the Christmas holidays. Stay in cozy wooden cabins and experience the magic of Christmas in Ruka with a fun program of activities.

Approximate price per family:
7799 $

This Christmas, travel to Lapland with a direct flight from Madrid and stay in beautiful wooden cabins located in a privileged setting. Enjoy a complete program with a Spanish-speaking guide, ideal for family travel. We bring you to one of the most natural and exotic destinations in Europe, and undoubtedly the most fun for the whole family: Finnish Lapland. Thanks to direct flights, you can reach the Arctic Circle in just over 4 hours and enjoy experiences such as riding in husky dog sleds through snowy Lapland forests or speeding across frozen lakes on powerful snowmobiles. The children will be thrilled to have personally met Santa Claus during the Christmas season in 2023.

Day 1. Spain-Rovaniemi-Ruka.

At the indicated time, meet at the airport with the assistance of our staff for check-in for the direct flight to Rovaniemi, Finland. Your journey to Lapland begins here! Direct flight schedules (local time): Barcelona - Rovaniemi 11:00 - 16:50 h Madrid - Rovaniemi 09:00 - 15:00 h Enjoy an onboard lunch with a beverage included. Upon arrival, we will meet our guide (if not previously met at the departure airport) and transfer to our private cabin, located approximately 200 km from the airport. The cabins are situated in a natural setting within the Ruka Village Ski Resort area, one of the best alpine ski resorts in Finland. It is located in the northwest of Finland, on the edge of the imaginary line of the Arctic Circle. The ski resort offers a total of 169.5 km of cross-country skiing trails, with 33.5 km illuminated, as well as 34 alpine skiing slopes, the majority of which are also illuminated. It is a unique location surrounded by three National Parks: Oulanka National Park (with its famous trekking trail "The Bear's Trail"), Riisitunturi National Park, and Julma Ölkky. You will be staying in unique wooden cabins, each surrounded by nature and ideally situated for viewing the Northern Lights that occur in the area. In the cabin, you will find thermal suits in your size that you can use throughout your stay in Lapland. The selected cabins represent the highest level of accommodation available in the area, although there is no official categorization for cabins in the destination. Each cabin is independent, close to others but maintaining privacy, and fully equipped. Dinner will be served at a restaurant in Ruka with transfers included. Overnight stay.

Day 2. Ruka. Husky Sled Ride.

After spending our first night in Lapland, we will start the day with a fantastic activity after breakfast in our cabin. We will head to visit a husky dog farm for an unforgettable ride through the snowy forest in a sled pulled by these charming animals, becoming authentic mushers. We will be transferred by coach to the farm, where these friendly dogs will be eagerly awaiting us for the ride. Once we receive instructions on how to drive the sled, we will set off: each adult participant will drive their own sled (2 people per sled, alternating the position of the driver). It will be an arctic adventure! Our guide will provide interesting information about our new furry friends. During the safari, we will make a stop to enjoy a light lunch that will be a memorable experience. We will return to the cabin with free time to relax and enjoy a sauna before dinner. Dinner will be served at a restaurant in Ruka with transfers included. After dinner, we will return to our accommodation to rest... but we need to stay alert in case the Northern Lights appear. You can take a walk around your cabin to try and spot them.

Day 3. Ruka. Snowshoeing and Ice Fishing.

We continue to enjoy the destination and unique activities. Breakfast in our cabin. Afterward, we will head to a forest that leads us to a frozen lake. Our snowshoeing adventure begins as we arrive at the lake, where a fisherman will be waiting to teach us the technique of ice fishing. We will have enough time to try our luck with the fishing rod through the ice. First, each of us will have to drill our own hole in the ice and then attempt to catch fish. In this lake, we can find perch, pike, and herring. During the excursion, we will experience walking on the snow-covered frozen lake with snowshoes. We can be confident in doing the activity as the ice thickness is usually close to a meter. Walking on top of the ice, imagining that in summer it is over 10 meters deep, is something completely inexplicable and we have to try it to truly feel it. We will enjoy a light lunch during the activity. We will return to the cabin where we will have free time to relax. Dinner will be served at a restaurant in Ruka with transfers included. After dinner, we will return to our accommodation to rest. Accommodation.

Day 4. Ruka. Reindeer Farm Visit and Meeting with Santa Claus.

Breakfast in our cabin. After breakfast in our cabins, we will be picked up to be taken to a reindeer farm where we will learn about these animals from their Sámi herders. We will have the opportunity to take a reindeer-drawn sleigh ride and learn about their way of life. We will enjoy a light lunch in a kota around the fire or at the reindeer farm. We will return to Ruka with time to rest, relax, and prepare for the moment the little ones have been waiting for. We will be transferred to the secret house of Santa Claus, located near Ruka. Santa Claus' house in Lapland is situated in front of a lake with incredible winter views. It has a snow slide area where children have fun while Santa Claus awaits us in his cozy house with Mrs. Claus to personally meet him and have an unforgettable time. After enjoying a great time with them, we will have dinner prepared for us in their own house. With the indelible memory and all the magic of this visit, we bid farewell to Santa Claus and embark on the short journey back to our cabin. Accommodation.

Day 5. Ruka. Snowmobile Safari.

After breakfast in our cabin, we will be transferred to the local safari house where we will be equipped with helmets, gloves, and balaclavas to begin our snowmobile safari. After receiving instructions from our guides to ensure a safe experience, we will start the adventure. Adults will drive the snowmobiles (2 people per snowmobile), and children will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. We will admire the most picturesque landscapes during our journey, feeling the power of these machines contrasting with the silence of the snowy forest. We will have a light lunch in a kota around the fire. Kotas are traditional Sámi (Lapp) tents similar to Native American teepees. After lunch, we will return to our cabin to relax. Free afternoon. We can take advantage of the opportunity to ski at the Ruka Alpine Ski Resort. In this resort, lift tickets and ski equipment can be purchased by the hour (from 3 hours to several days), and in just a couple of hours, you can enjoy many runs as there are usually no queues at the lifts. Usually, Ruka's slopes are open from October until mid or late May, and many of them are illuminated. Our local guide at the destination will advise us on schedules, lift ticket prices, equipment rental, and other details. Dinner at leisure. Accommodation.

Day 6. Ruka-Kuusamo-Spain.

Last day in Lapland. After enjoying breakfast in our own cabin, we will embark on the journey to Rovaniemi. Arrival at the Santa Claus Village, located right on the imaginary and magical line of the Arctic Circle, where we can visit its craft and souvenir shops, send a letter or postcard from the official Santa Claus Post Office, and explore the different attractions that are part of this magical world. With this visit, we will put the finishing touch on this dream trip. We will then proceed to the airport, located less than 3 km from the Santa Claus Village, to complete the check-in procedures for our direct flight back to our city of origin. Direct flight schedules (local time): Rovaniemi - Barcelona 15.50 - 19.30 hrs. Rovaniemi - Madrid 16.00 - 20.15 hrs. During the flight, we will enjoy a snack-dinner on board with beverages included. Arrival and end of the trip.

Esta Navidad viaja a Laponia con vuelo directo desde Madrid y alojamiento en unas bonitas cabañas de madera situadas en un enclave privilegiado. Un completo programa con guía en castellano e ideal para viajar en familia. Te acercamos a uno de los destinos más naturales y exóticos de Europa y sin duda el más divertido para toda la familia, la Laponia Finlandesa. Gracias a los vuelos directos, podrá estar en el Círculo Polar Ártico en poco más de 4 horas y disfrutar de experiencias tales como pasear a través de los nevados bosques lapones en trineos de perros huskies o surcar los lagos helados en potentes motos de nieve. Los niños vendrán encantados de haber conocido en persona a Papá Noel durante las Navidades 2023.

Día 1. España-Rovaniemi-Ruka.

A la hora indicada presentación en aeropuerto con la asistencia de nuestro personal para la facturación del vuelo directo con destino a Rovaniemi(Finlandia). ¡Iniciáis aquí vuestro viaje a Laponia! Horarios de vuelos directos (horas locales): Barcelona – Rovaniemi 11.00 – 16.50 h Madrid – Rovaniemi 09.00 - 15.00 h Almuerzo a bordo con bebida incluida. A nuestra llegada a destino tendremos el encuentro con nuestro guía (si no lo hemos tenido anteriormente en el aeropuerto de origen) y efectuaremos el traslado a nuestra cabaña privada, que se sitúa a 200 km aprox. del aeropuerto. Las cabañas se encuentran en un enclave de naturaleza, en el área de Ruka Village Ski Resort, una de las mejores estaciones de esquí alpino en Finlandia, situada al noroeste de Finlandia, en el borde de la línea imaginaria del Círculo polar Ártico. La estación de esquí tiene un total de 169,5 km esquiables de esquí de fondo siendo 33.5km iluminados así como 34 pistas de esquí alpino, la mayoría iluminadas también. Una ubicación única rodeada por tres Parques Nacionales: Oulanka National Park (con su famoso trekking “ The Bear´s Trail” -El Camino del Oso-), Riisitunturi National Park y Julma Ölkky. Alojamiento en cabañas únicas de madera. Cada cabaña está rodeada de naturaleza en una ubicación ideal que permite ver las auroras boreales que se producen en la zona. En la cabaña encontraremos los trajes térmicos de nuestra talla que podremos usar durante toda nuestra estancia en Laponia. Las cabañas seleccionadas corresponden al mejor nivel de alojamiento que existe en la zona, si bien no existe una categorización oficial en el destino para catalogar las mismas. Todas y cada una de las cabañas son independientes, cercanas a otras, pero manteniendo la intimidad y completamente equipadas. La cena tendrá lugar en un restaurante de Ruka con traslados incluidos. Alojamiento.

Día 2. Ruka. Trineo de Huskies.

Hemos pasado nuestra primera noche en Laponia y después del desayuno en nuestra cabaña, comenzaremos el día con una fantástica actividad. Nos dirigiremos a visitar una granja de perros huskies para realizar un paseo inolvidable por el bosque nevado en un trineo tirado por estos encantadores animales y convertirnos así en auténticos mushers. El traslado lo realizaremos en autocar hasta la granja, donde nos estarán esperando estos dóciles amigos ansiosos de realizar su recorrido. Una vez dadas las instrucciones de cómo conducir el trineo, nos pondremos en marcha: cada participante adulto conducirá su propio trineo (2 personas por cada trineo, que se alternaran la posición de conductor). ¡Toda una aventura ártica! Descubriremos muchas curiosidades de nuestros nuevos amigos con las explicaciones de nuestro guía. Llegado el momento, durante el safari realizaremos una parada para disfrutar de un almuerzo ligero que quedará en nuestro recuerdo. Regresaremos a la cabaña donde nos quedará tiempo libre para relajarnos haciendo una sauna hasta la hora de la cena. La cena tendrá lugar en un restaurante de Ruka con traslados incluidos. Tras la cena, regreso a nuestro alojamiento para descansar... pero hay que estar atentos por si aparece una aurora boreal. Puedes salir a pasear por las inmediaciones de tu cabaña para intentar avistar una

Día 3. Ruka. Raquetas de nieve y pesca en el hielo.

Seguimos disfrutando del destino y actividades únicas. Desayuno en nuestra cabaña. Tras el mismo, nos dirigiremos hacia un bosque desde donde accedemos a un lago helado. El inicio de nuestra travesía con las raquetas de nieve empieza con la llegada al lago donde nos estará esperando un pescador que nos enseñará la técnica para pescar a través del hielo. Tendremos tiempo suficiente para probar suerte con la caña a través del hielo. Primero cada uno tendremos que realizar nuestro propio agujero en el hielo y a continuación intentar pescar. En este lago podremos encontrar percas, lucios y arenques. Durante la excursión, viviremos la experiencia de andar por el lago helado cubierto de nieve con raquetas de nieve. Podemos estar seguros haciendo la actividad, pues el grosor del hielo suele ser de casi un metro. Una sensación la de caminar por encima del hielo, imaginándonos que en verano tiene más de 10 metros de profundidad, es algo totalmente inexplicable y tendremos que probarlo para poder sentirlo. Disfrutaremos de un almuerzo ligero durante la actividad. Regresaremos a la cabaña donde tendremos tiempo libre para relajarnos. La cena tendrá lugar en un restaurante de Ruka con traslados incluidos. Tras la cena, regreso a nuestro alojamiento para descansar. Alojamiento.

Día 4. Ruka. Visita a granja de renos y encuentro con Santa Claus.

Desayuno en nuestra cabaña. Después del desayuno en nuestras cabañas nos recogerán para trasladarnos hasta una granja de renos donde conoceremos los detalles de estos animales de mano de sus criadores lapones. Tendremos la oportunidad de realizar un paseo en trineo tirado por un reno y conoceremos su modo de vida. Disfrutaremos de un almuerzo ligero en una kota alrededor del fuego o en la granja de renos. Regresaremos a Ruka con tiempo para descansar, relajarnos y prepararnos para la hora que los más pequeños están esperando. Nos trasladaremos hasta la casa secreta de Santa Claus que está situada en las proximidades de Ruka. La casa de Papá Noel en Laponia está delante de un lago con increíbles vistas invernales. Dispone de una zona de toboganes sobre la nieve donde los niños disfrutan mientras que Papá Noel nos espera en su acogedora casa con la Sra Noel para conocerle en persona y pasar un rato inolvidable. Además de pasar un buen rato con ellos después disfrutaremos de la cena que han preparado para nosotros en su propia casa. Con el recuerdo imborrable y toda la magia de esta visita nos despedimos de Santa Claus y emprendemos el corto viaje de regreso a nuestra cabaña. Alojamiento.

Día 5. Ruka. Safari en motos de nieve.

Después del desayuno en nuestra cabaña, nos trasladarnos hasta la casa de safaris local donde nos equiparemos con cascos, guantes y pasamontañas para iniciar el safari en moto de nieve. Tras las instrucciones de nuestros guías para disfrutar de la experiencia de una forma segura, iniciaremos la aventura. Los adultos conducen las motos (2 personas por moto) y los niños viajan en un trineo que arrastra la motonieve del guía. Contemplaremos los paisajes más bucólicos durante nuestra travesía, sintiendo la potencia de estas máquinas en contraste con el silencio del bosque nevado. Tendremos un almuerzo ligero en una kota alrededor del fuego. Las kotas son las tiendas típicas de los samis (lapones) similares a los teepees de los indios americanos. Tras el almuerzo, regresaremos a nuestra cabaña para relajarnos. Tarde libre. Podremos aprovechar para esquiar en la estación de esquí alpino de RUKA. En esta estación, tanto el ticket de remontadores como el material de esquí se pueden adquirir por horas (desde 3 horas hasta varios días) y en un par de horas se puede disfrutar de muchas bajadas al no existir colas en los remontadores habitualmente. Normalmente, Ruka suele tener sus pistas abiertas desde Octubre hasta mediados o finales de Mayo y muchas de ellas iluminadas. Nuestro guía local en destino nos asesorará sobre horarios, precios de forfaits, material de alquiler y otros detalles. Cena libre. Alojamiento.

Día 6. Ruka-Kuusamo-España.

Último día en tierras laponas. Tras degustar el desayuno en nuestra propia cabaña, emprenderemos el camino a Rovaniemi. Llegada a la Aldea de Santa Claus, situada justo sobre la imaginaria y mágica línea del Círculo Polar Ártico, donde podremos visitar sus tiendas de artesanía y souvenirs, enviar una carta o postal desde la Oficina de Correos oficial de Papá Noel y visitar las diferentes atracciones que forman parte de este mundo mágico. Con esta visita conseguiremos poner el broche final a este viaje de ensueño. Continuación al aeropuerto, situado a menos de 3 km de la Aldea de Santa Claus. Trámites de facturación de nuestro vuelo directo con destino a nuestra ciudad de origen. Horarios de vuelo directo (horas locales): Rovaniemi – Barcelona 15.50 – 19.30 hrs. Rovaniemi – Madrid 16.00 – 20.15 hrs. Durante el vuelo disfrutaremos de una merienda-cena a bordo con bebida incluida. Llegada y fin del viaje.

Premium cabins in Ruka.

We have a selection of modern, but traditional looking, premium level cabins, which maintain a rustic look, usually with large wooden logs and are finely decorated and with all the modern comforts one can imagine inside. This combination gives them a character that makes a stay in this type of accommodation the perfect complement to an exclusive trip to Lapland. The recently built cabins, with large windows to the Lappish nature and sizes ranging from 80 to 200 m², are located in the immediate vicinity of the Ruka ski resort, surrounded by the most authentic landscape of Lapland, close to several parks. nationals. Ruka is probably the best ski resort in the country. All the cabins are independent, maintaining the privacy of each family, but located in the vicinity of Ruka, so that trips are short and comfortable. All have several rooms, several WCs, shower/s, sauna, fireplace with firewood available, air conditioning, fully equipped kitchen and capacity for up to 12 people.

Villa Jaloranta A and B: Villa Jaloranta is a cozy semi-detached log house located on the shore of Lake Vuosselijärvi in ​​a beautiful and peaceful location in Ruka. The two apartments of 66 m² each accommodate six people. In each apartment there are three bedrooms, an open kitchen with a living room, a sauna with electric heating, a bathroom and a separate toilet. On winter nights it is nice to warm up by the fireplace with underfloor heating for extra comfort.

  • Bedroom 1: double bed, TV
  • Bedroom 2: two separate beds
  • Bedroom 3: two separate beds
  • toilet
  • Sauna with electric heating
  • In the living room: wood-burning fireplace, TV, DVD, radio

Dispose of:

  • Washing machine, dryer cabinet, iron and ironing board
  • Kitchen: electric hob, coffee maker, fridge, freezer, microwave, dishwasher, toaster, kettle, cutlery and dishes for six people
  • Wifi
  • Hair dryer
  • Firewood
  • Winter fishing equipment available, snow sled for children

Villa Koukkulampi: Built in 2019, Villa Koukkulampi offers 100m² of space in a modern, warmly decorated log villa. It is located in a picturesque forest on the shore of the Koukkulampi pond in Vuosseli, Ruka. It offers an ideal option to accommodate from 4 to 6 people in a quiet and luxurious environment. The ski slope is about 200m away (behind the Koukkulampi) and the snowmobile tracks are also easily accessible from the villa.

  • Bedroom 1 (ground floor): double bed
  • Bedroom 2 (upstairs): 2 single beds
  • There is also a sofa bed in bedroom number 2 (curtains can be put between bedroom 2 and the sofa bed)
  • Both downstairs and upstairs have TV's.
  • Both the ground floor and the top floor have a bathroom.
  • Electric sauna, overlooking the surrounding nature and the beautiful Koukkulampi pond
  • Utility Room - tumble dryer, iron/ironing board, hair dryer and cleaning equipment
  • The outdoor shed has firewood and a place to keep your skis.
  • Kitchen: ceramic hob, oven, kettle and coffee maker, fridge/freezer, microwave oven, dishwasher, toaster and crockery
  • Living room: fireplace, TV
  • Wifi
  • A crib for a baby (includes mattress and protective sheet, bedding and sheets not included)
  • baby high chair

Villas Vuossel 1 & 2

Villa Vuossel is a high-class semi-detached wooden villa (2 x 60+40 m²) located by Lake Vuosselijärvi. Sustainability and respect for the environment have been taken into account when developing this beautiful property. The master bedroom downstairs and the great room upstairs offer spacious accommodation for 6 people plus an extra bed for 2 on request. There are comfortable living rooms on the ground floor and upstairs, a functional kitchen and dining room, 2 bathrooms and a stylish sauna department with 2 showers. The open-plan lounge/kitchen includes a TV, which can also be found in the lounge upstairs.

  • Electric sauna and bathroom with two showers
  • two bathrooms
  • Dining furniture on the terrace.
  • The modern open plan kitchen includes a dishwasher, fridge, freezer, microwave, hob, oven, coffee maker, electric kettle, toaster, electric mixer and crockery for 8 people.
  • Other amenities of the villa are fireplace, mechanical ventilation,
  • TV, DVD player, CD player, WiFi, drying cabinet for ski equipment, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, iron and ironing board, hairdryer, cleaning equipment, high chair and travel cot for a baby (incl. mattress and protective sheet, without bedding)
  • In winter there are sledges for children and two pairs of snowshoes.
  • Wood to burn is also included.

Villa Kuura

This fully equipped villa is designed to the highest standards and has a beautiful view over the lake from every window. It has a 58 m² terrace with views of the lake. There are 4+3 beds: the main bedroom has a double bed (separable beds) and an armchair that can be converted into a bed. The smaller bedroom has a double bed (separable beds). In the living room you can find a sofa bed for two people. There is also a travel cot for a baby (incl. mattress and protective sheet, no bedding). Both bedrooms have their own bathrooms. The master bedroom has its own access to the outside terrace. The living room and the modern open kitchen share the same space. The living room has a smart TV and Google Home Bluetooth speaker system and also a fireplace.

  • Electric sauna with window, bathroom with two showers and dressing room with access to the outdoor terrace
  • 3 bathrooms
  • The kitchen includes: dishwasher, fridge and freezer, microwave, oven, induction stove, coffee maker, kettle, toaster and dishes and cutlery for 8 people.
  • Other amenities of the villa are: WiFi, washing machine (dryer), drying cupboard, central vacuum cleaner, iron/ironing board, hairdryer, cleaning equipment, high chair.
  • The rental includes both summer and winter fishing equipment, 2 bicycles (helmets), several sleds, 2 pairs of snowshoes and some garden games.
  • firewood
  • Geothermal heating, mechanical ventilation, electrical fire alarm system.
  • The shore of Lake Vuosselijärvi is only 20 m from the villa. During winter you can ski on the lake or in the forest.

Villa Rytilampi A

Built from solid logs, this comfortably decorated and well-appointed semi-detached house is situated in a friendly neighborhood, just off Ruka Fall. The amenities of RukaVillage are just 2 km away, with ski slopes and snowmobile trails close by. The SkiBus stop is only 300 m away on foot. The 105 m² apartment is divided into two floors. The three bedrooms sleep two people each, making it an ideal place for a group of six people. On the ground floor there is a bedroom with a double bed and on the upper floor there are two bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other with two single beds. There is also a sofa bed in the upstairs living room, which can sleep two people. It has a travel cot for a small child (includes mattress and protective sheet, not bedding). This apartment also has a kitchen, electric sauna, bathroom with two showers, dressing room, WC and a good maintenance room. On the side of the apartment, there is also a balcony with a glass wall, with direct views of nature.

  • fireplace
  • electric stove
  • fridge and freezer
  • microwave
  • dishwasher
  • washing machine
  • drying cabinet
  • 2 televisions
  • Radio/CD player
  • WIFI
  • Ironing board and iron, hair dryer
  • 2 bikes, sled
  • firewood
  • Electric heating inside the house, air conditioning, fire alarm system

Villa Vuosselinjärvi

Villa Vuosselinjärvi is a comfortable wooden chalet located by Lake Vuosselinjärvi. Built in the year 2000, it was renovated in the summer of 2014. The 80 m² chalet has two bedrooms and a mezzanine, eight beds in total.

  • ­Bedroom 1 (ground floor): double bed
  • Bedroom 2 (ground floor): 2 beds
  • Loft: 4 beds and TV
  • 1 toilet and 1 shower
  • sauna
  • Living room: wood burning fireplace, flat screen TV, home theater system
  • A cot for a baby (incl. mattress and protective sheet, without linen
  • bed) + Baby high chair
  • Two bicycles (helmets)
  • Washing machine, drying cabinet and cleaning equipment, iron, hair dryer
  • Kitchen: ceramic hob, coffee maker, freezer, microwave, dishwasher, fridge, toaster, dishes for 10 people
  • wireless internet connection
  • firewood
  • Fishing equipment for summer and winter fishing

Villa Rukan Tuike

The villa is half of a semi-detached house, where both villas are separate buildings, attached to each other with a shared garage. Built in 2015, this villa is 80 m² plus there is about 20 m² of space with a lowered ceiling. There are 4 rooms with capacity for 8 people. The villa is located in an ideal spot within easy reach of the EastRukas area. With the new cable car you can easily reach the other side of the mountain to the center of Ruka, and in the nearby hotel you can find restaurants, shops, etc. The ski lifts are only 300 m away, so you can easily walk there to go skiing. The ground floor has two bedrooms, both with two beds. The loft has two bedrooms (with lowered ceiling in some points, space under 160 cm), both bedrooms with two beds and one with a TV. The living room is located on the ground floor, with a fireplace and TV. Electric sauna and bathroom with two showers and a toilet. There is also a separate toilet on the ground floor.

  • Washing machine
  • drying cabinet
  • Kitchen: ceramic hob, microwave, fridge and freezer, dishwasher, coffee maker, kettle, toaster and cutlery and dishes for 8 people.
  • Wifi
  • 2 televisions
  • Hair dryer
  • ironing board and iron
  • Travel cot and high chair
  • Cleaning equipment
  • Firewood
  • Sled

Villa Kuusirinne A y B

The two spacious 100 m² chalets each have beds for 8 people and two extra beds if necessary. The best feature of the chalets is their location next to the ski slopes and hiking trails. The distance to the Ruka ski slopes is 300 m and the cross-country ski slopes are just 50 m from the gates of Villa Kuusirinne.

  • Bedroom 1 (ground floor): double bed
  • Bedroom 2 (upstairs): double bed
  • Bedroom 3 (upstairs): 4 beds (you can change the location of the beds)
  • TVs in all bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • Sauna, from where you can even see Lake Vuosselijärvi and the Valtavaara hill. 1 shower.
  • Utility room (washing machine, tumble dryer, iron/ironing board, drying cupboard)
  • Also includes firewood and a lockable cabinet.
  • Kitchen: ceramic hob, coffee maker, electric kettle, refrigerator, wine cellar, microwave, dishwasher, toaster, electric hand mixer, dishes
  • Living room: wood burning fireplace, flat screen TV, Harman Kardon entertainment system, Apple TV
  • wireless internet connection
  • hair dryer
  • A cot for a baby (incl. mattress and protective sheet, without bedding and bedding)
  • baby high chair
  • firewood
  • Outdoor Activity Gear: 2 Fat Bikes (helmets), several sleds, and 2 pairs of snowshoes

Villa Vuosselinhovi

This huge deadwood cabin is located by the shore of Lake Vuosselinjärvi, overlooking the lake, the Ruka slopes and the Valtavaara valley. In winter, enjoy a real fire inside while taking in the scenery outside, and maybe even catch a glimpse of the colorful Northern Lights from the sofa or bedroom upstairs. This villa has capacity for 8 people, with the possibility of extra beds. There is also a cot for a baby (incl. mattress and protective sheet, without bedding).

  • On the ground floor: kitchen, dining room, living room, three bedrooms (double bed in each and TV in two), two bathrooms, sauna (electric stove), two showers, utility room and a spacious hall.
  • On the second floor there is a bedroom (double bed) and a living room with sofas and a coffee table and a TV. There is also a lower space for extra beds with space to watch TV and play games.
  • In the kitchen: dishwasher, refrigerator, freezer, microwave oven, electric hob, gas cooker, coffee maker, electric kettle, toaster and cutlery for 12 people
  • Other amenities are a wood-burning fireplace, automatic ventilation, TV, wireless internet connection, clothes drying cupboard, washer and dryer, hair dryer, central vacuum cleaner, iron, cleaning equipment and high chair for babies.
  • In the basement: ski rack, iron and tools.
  • Outdoor lockable storage room
  • Available for Outdoor Use: Lakeside Campfire Site, Winter Fishing Gear, 2 Fat Bikes (Helmets)
  • There are also sledges and 2 pairs of snowshoes.
  • firewood

The distance from the villa to the shore of Lake Vuosselijärvi is about 30 meters. The area offers great opportunities for cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, fishing and hiking.

Program from December 23 to 28, 2023

Selection of premium cabins

Minimum occupancy of 3 people

Consult type of cabins available and prices

Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, $200 per person plus total amount of optional insurance
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
from 21 days to 8 days before, 75%
less than 7 days before the trip, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight Madrid from Barcelona
Catering with drinks on board
Airport VIP service
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide during the trip
All transfers
Thermal suit throughout the stay
Includes boots and thermal jumpsuit
Snowmobile helmet and balaclava
5 nights in selected cabin
Catered breakfast in cabin
Described lunches during excursions
4 dinners in Ruka area (includes Santa Claus)
Meeting with Santa Claus
Gift for children
Reindeer sleigh ride
Snowmobile safari
Husky sleigh ride
Snowshoe safari
Ice fishing
Necessary material for activities
Initial and final cleaning of the cabin
Welcome gift pack
Complete travel documentation
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Madrid flight schedule
Dec 23 Madrid – Kuusamo 09.00 – 15.00 h
Dec 28  Kuusamo – Madrid 16.00 -  20.15 h
Flight schedule Barcelona
Dec 23  Barcelona – Kuusamo 11.00 – 17.00 h
Dec 28  Kuusamo – Barcelona 16.00 -  19.50 h
Airport VIP service
Check-in at the counter and preferential boarding (Madrid exclusive): With this service, you will not only be able to check-in at a preferential counter and thus avoid queues, but you will also be among the first to access the plane, avoiding waiting at the boarding gate and thus settle comfortably.
Fast track security (Madrid and Barcelona): This service will allow you to go through security control quickly and quickly avoiding queues, since its use is exclusive for passengers who have purchased this service.
VIP room access: Access and enjoy all the free services offered by the Aena VIP room in Madrid and Barcelona: reception, catering (adapted for people with allergies or food intolerances), press, free Wi-Fi, rest area, work area , showers, computer equipment and children's area among others.
Guaranteed front seats on all flights: Assignment of seats in the front of the plane for everyone, both routes.
Welcome gift pack includes
2 pairs of thermal socks
Balaclava hat


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