December Holiday Club Salla

Traveling to Lapland from Valencia during early December is a unique experience for families who want to enjoy a magical vacation. It's a perfect place to explore on snowmobiles, take snowmobile or reindeer rides, meet Santa Claus, or simply enjoy nature. Exclusive departure on December 6th from Valencia.

Approximate price per family:
7695 $

Take advantage of the opportunity to visit Lapland and enjoy the best activities and extraordinary experiences in Salla during the first days of December with this exclusive departure from Valencia. It's a unique experience where you'll go on husky sled rides, exhilarating snowmobile excursions, visits to a reindeer farm and sleigh rides, and end the day with a relaxing sauna. Salla is the place to breathe fresh air and witness the beauty of nature. Here, you can walk in the white forest, feel the magic of the polar night, and enjoy a bonfire under the Northern Lights. Our greatest guarantee is the opinion of thousands of people who have enjoyed this magical experience. Salla, a great journey to the land of magic.

puente de diciembre desde valencia

Day 1 Valencia- Kuusamo - Salla

Meeting at the airport. Encounter with Catai staff who will assist you with the simple check-in procedures. Departure on a special direct flight to Kuusamo. Snack included on board. Meet our guide and transfer to Salla (approx. 1 hour). Arrival. Upon arrival at the accommodation, we will find the thermal equipment that we can use throughout our stay in Lapland. Once settled, we will enjoy a delicious dinner at the Salla Tuvat resort restaurant. Accommodation.

Salla Laponia Moto de Nieve

Day 2 Salla. Snowmobile Safari and Spa

Buffet breakfast at the Salla Tuvat resort restaurant, located approximately a 10-minute walk from our accommodation. Today we will embark on one of the most spectacular excursions of the trip, a snowmobile safari. We will be provided with helmets and gloves, and after receiving instructions from the guides, we will start our snowmobile ride. The adults will drive the snowmobiles (2 people per snowmobile), and the children will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. During the journey, we will feel the power of these machines and enjoy the snowy forests and frozen lakes. We will ascend to the top of a hill where we can enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of the entire area and savor a hot drink to warm up. Light lunch at a restaurant. The afternoon is free, and we recommend relaxing at the hotel's spa, which includes jacuzzis and four pools with water jets and saunas (entrance included). You can enjoy a family moment as entry is allowed for both adults and children. Don't forget your swimsuit and slippers, but if you do, don't worry, as you can rent them there. Buffet dinner at the Salla Tuvat resort restaurant. Accommodation.

huskies en Salla

Day 3 Salla. Husky Sled Ride, Snowshoeing, and Ice Fishing.

Buffet breakfast at the Salla Tuvat resort restaurant. We prepare for another incredible day in nature. In the morning, we will embark on an excursion that will stay in our memories for a long time, as we will have the opportunity to drive a sled pulled by a team of husky dogs, just like real mushers. Well-trained huskies can pull up to seven times their own weight. Their handlers will share many interesting facts with us before we go on the ride. We will have a light lunch around a campfire in the middle of the forest. After lunch, we will engage in a fun activity that is enjoyed by both adults and children - a snowshoeing excursion through the snowy Lapland forest. We will reach a lake where we can try ice fishing. They will teach us how to make a hole in the ice and try our luck with this typical activity. Return to our hotel. Buffet dinner at the Salla Tuvat resort restaurant. Accommodation.

salla navidad safari trineo de renos

Day 4 Salla, Reindeer Sled Ride, and Meeting with Santa Claus

Buffet breakfast at the Salla Tuvat resort restaurant. Today is the day the children have been waiting for. We will start with a transfer to a nearby reindeer farm, where Lapland herders will tell us about the lifestyle of these beautiful animals before we embark on a reindeer sled ride. We will stop at the enclosure where the female reindeer are located (most of them pregnant in winter), and we will have the opportunity to feed these endearing animals. Each sled is pulled by a single reindeer, and each reindeer has its own name. This ride is perfect for enjoying the snowy landscape, taking photos or videos, and creating lasting memories of another magical moment during our stay in Lapland. Today's lunch will also be special as we will enjoy it in a traditional Sami kota, a tent-like structure similar to Native American teepees. And finally, the moment everyone has been waiting for has arrived. One by one, each family will ride on a sled pulled by a snowmobile to a secret location in the middle of the forest, where Santa Claus will be waiting for us. Santa will greet each family privately, and you will have a wonderful time chatting with him, taking photos, and more. Each child will receive a gift from the most beloved character in Lapland and Christmas. Buffet dinner at the Salla Tuvat resort restaurant. Accommodation.

naturaleza salla laponia

Day 5 Salla - Kuusamo - Valencia

Buffet breakfast at the Salla Tuvat resort restaurant. Free time until the indicated time for the transfer. We cannot leave Lapland without experiencing a relaxing sauna. Saunas are a tradition in Finland. Although the Finns didn't invent them, they have the highest number of saunas per capita; almost one sauna for every 2 inhabitants, and they are the most frequent sauna-goers. Departure to Kuusamo airport. Check-in procedures and departure on a direct flight to Valencia. Snack on board included. Arrival and end of our adventure in Lapland.

aurora boreal

Traveling to Lapland in winter is a magical experience recommended for all families who want to enjoy an unforgettable vacation. The direct journey from Valencia is short to reach this unique place in the world. Upon arrival, beautiful snow-covered landscapes, fir forests, and frozen rivers can be appreciated. Upon arriving in Salla, the excitement overflows at the sight of the snow-covered village and the traditional wooden cabins that will be our home during our stay. The fun begins with typical winter activities such as reindeer sleigh rides, snowmobile excursions, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing. In addition, children enjoy the experience of meeting Santa Claus in person and delivering their letters with Christmas wishes. The experience of sleeping in a wooden cabin in the middle of the snowy nature is something that is never forgotten. Moreover, the opportunity to see the Northern Lights is something that many travelers wish to experience at least once in a lifetime. Traveling during the December holidays from Valencia to Salla in Lapland is a unique and unforgettable experience for families who want to enjoy a different and magical vacation. It is a perfect place for snowmobiling, reindeer sleigh rides, meeting Santa Claus, or simply enjoying nature. Lapland is one of the most natural and exotic destinations in Europe. Exclusive departure on December 6th from Valencia with a Spanish-speaking guide. An ideal place to travel with children.

Aprovecha la oportunidad de visitar Laponia y disfrutar de las mejores actividades y experiencias extraordinarias en Salla durante los primeros días de Diciembre con esta salida exclusiva desde Valencia Una experiencia única en la que realizarás paseos en trineos de perros huskies, excursiones en potentes motos de nieve, visitas a una granja de renos y paseos en trineo, para acabar el día tomando una relajante sauna. Salla es el lugar para respirar aire puro y observar la belleza de la naturaleza. Aquí se puede caminar en el bosque blanco, sentir la magia de la noche polar y disfrutar de una fogata bajo la aurora boreal. Nuestra mayor garantía es la opinión de miles de personas que han disfrutado de esta experiencia mágica.. Salla, un gran viaje al país de la magia.

puente de diciembre desde valencia

Día 1 Valencia- Kuusamo - Salla 

Presentación en aeropuerto. Encuentro con personal de Catai que os ayudará con los sencillos trámites de facturación. Salida en vuelo especial directo a Kuusamo. Snack a bordo incluido. Encuentro con nuestro guía y traslado a Salla (aprox. 1 hora). Llegada. A nuestra llegada al alojamiento encontraremos los equipos térmicos que podremos usar durante toda la estancia en Laponia. Una vez instalados degustaremos una deliciosa cena en el restaurante del complejo Salla Tuvat. Alojamiento.

Salla Laponia Moto de Nieve

Día 2 Salla. Safari en moto de nieve y Spa

Desayuno buffet en el restaurante del complejo Salla Tuvat, situado a 10 minutos andando aproximadamente de nuestro alojamiento. En el día de hoy realizaremos una de las excursiones más espectaculares del viaje, un safari en moto de nieve. Para ello, nos proveerán de cascos y guantes y tras las instrucciones de los guías, iniciaremos nuestro paseo en moto de nieve. Los adultos conduciremos las motos (2 personas por moto) y los niños viajan en un trineo que arrastra la moto de nieve del guía. Durante el trayecto podremos sentir la potencia de estas máquinas y disfrutar de los bosques nevados y lagos helados. Ascenderemos hasta lo alto de una colina desde donde podremos disfrutar de una espectacular panorámica de toda la zona y donde podremos degustar una bebida caliente para entrar en calor. Almuerzo ligero en restaurante. Tarde libre durante la que recomendamos relajarse en el spa del hotel, con sus jacuzzis y cuatro piscinas con chorros de agua y saunas (entrada incluida). Podréis disfrutar de un momento en familia, ya que la entrada está permitida tanto a adultos como a niños. No olvidéis el bañador y las zapatillas, aunque si lo hacéis, no os preocupéis, que se pueden alquilar allí. Cena buffet en el restaurante del complejo Salla Tuvat. Alojamiento

huskies en Salla

Día 3 Salla. Trineo de huskies, paseo con raquetas de nieve y pesca en hielo.

Desayuno buffet en el restaurante del complejo Salla Tuvat. Nos preparamos para pasar otro día increíble en la naturaleza. Por la mañana realizaremos una excursión que perdurará en nuestra memoria durante mucho tiempo, ya que podremos conducir, como auténticos mushers un trineo tirado por un equipo de perros huskies. Los huskies bien entrenados pueden tirar de hasta siete veces su propio peso. Ésto y muchas más curiosidades nos las explicarán sus preparadores antes de realizar el paseo. Almuerzo ligero alrededor de una hoguera en medio del bosque. Después del almuerzo realizaremos una divertida actividad, que gusta tanto a mayores como a pequeños, un paseo con raquetas de nieve por el nevado bosque lapón. Llegaremos al lago donde podremos practicar la pesca a través del hielo. Nos enseñarán como hacer el agujero en el hielo para probar suerte con esta típica actividad. Regreso a nuestro hotel. Cena buffet en el restaurante del complejo Salla Tuvat. Alojamiento.

salla navidad safari trineo de renos

Día 4 Salla, Trineo de Renos y encuentro con Santa Claus

Desayuno buffet en el restaurante del complejo Salla Tuvat. Hoy es el día que los niños estaban esperando. Comenzaremos con el traslado a una granja de renos cercana, donde sus criadores lapones nos hablarán sobre el modo de vida de estos bellos animales antes de realizar un paseo en trineo. Nos detendremos en el corral donde se encuentran las hembras (la mayoría embarazadas en invierno) y podremos dar de comer a estos entrañables animales. Cada trineo está tirado por un solo reno y cada reno tiene su propio nombre. Este paseo es ideal para poder disfrutar del paisaje nevado, hacer fotos o vídeos, y grabar en nuestra memoria otro de los momentos mágicos que viviremos durante nuestra estancia en Laponia. El almuerzo de hoy también será especial, ya que lo degustaremos en una kota lapona, que son las tiendas típicas de los Sami, con forma similar a los teepees de los indios americanos. Y por fin llegó el momento que todos esperaban. Por turnos, cada familia irá en un trineo tirado por una moto de nieve hasta un lugar secreto en medio del bosque donde Santa Claus nos estará esperando. Santa recibirá a cada familia de forma privada y podréis pasar un buen rato con él, charlar, tomar fotos… cada niño recibirá un regalo de manos del personaje más entrañable de Laponia y de la Navidad. Cena buffet en el restaurante del complejo Salla Tuvat. Alojamiento.

naturaleza salla laponia

Día 5 Salla - Kuusamo - Valencia 

Desayuno buffet en el restaurante del complejo Salla Tuvat. Tiempo libre hasta la hora indicada para el traslado. No nos podemos ir de Laponia sin practicar una relajante sauna. La sauna en Finlandia es toda una tradición. Aunque los fineses no la inventaron sí que son el país con mayor cantidad de saunas por habitante; casi una sauna por cada 2 habitantes y los que la practican con mayor asiduidad. Salida hacia el aeropuerto de Kuusamo. Trámites de facturación y salida en vuelo directo con destino Valencia. Snack a bordo incluido. Llegada y fin de nuestra aventura en Laponia.

aurora boreal

Viajar a Laponia en invierno es una experiencia mágica que se recomienda a todas las familias que quieran disfrutar de unas vacaciones inolvidables. El viaje directo desde Valencia es breve para llegar a este lugar único en el mundo. A la llegada del vuelo se pueden apreciar hermosos paisajes cubiertos de nieve, bosques de abetos y ríos congelados. Al llegar a Salla, la emoción se desborda al ver el pueblo cubierto de nieve y las tradicionales cabañas de madera que serán el hogar durante la estancia. La diversión comienza con actividades típicas de invierno, como paseos en trineo tirados por renos, excursiones en moto de nieve, esquí de fondo y senderismo con raquetas de nieve. Además, los niños disfrutan de la experiencia de conocer a Santa Claus en persona y entregarle sus cartas con los deseos para la Navidad. La experiencia de dormir en una cabaña de madera en medio de la naturaleza nevada es algo que nunca se olvida. Además, la oportunidad de ver la aurora boreal es algo que muchos viajeros desean experimentar al menos una vez en la vida. Viajar en el puente de diciembre desde Valencia hasta Salla en Laponia es una experiencia única e inolvidable para las familias que quieren disfrutar de unas vacaciones diferentes y mágicas. Un lugar perfecto para explorar en moto de nieve, realizar paseos en moto de nieve o renos, conocer a Santa Claus o simplemente disfrutar de la naturaleza. Laponia es uno de los destinos más naturales y exóticos de Europa. Salida exclusiva el 6 de Diciembre desde Valencia y con guía en castellano. Un lugar ideal para viajar con niños.

Holiday Club Salla

salla holiday club pista esqui

Holiday Club Salla. It is located in northeastern Finland, and in this resort, you will have the opportunity to recharge your energy and relax. The hotel has a strategic location in Salla and provides guests with easy access to multiple points of interest. You can enjoy exciting activities in the vicinity. The alpine ski slopes and cross-country skiing trails are next to the hotel. The entire area is surrounded by magnificent natural beauty. The rooms have practical and functional Nordic-style décor with charming parquet floors. They feature a private bathroom with a shower, hairdryer, and clothes dryer, as well as a TV and a private area for storing skis and drying boots. Unlimited free internet connection is also available.

  • Holiday Club Salla Cabins (Capacity: 4 adults + 2 children). Tunturitähti Cabins (54m2) have 1 bedroom with 2 beds and a living room with a double sofa bed and a fireplace. They have heating and a TV. In addition to a sauna, there is a bathroom with a shower and a fully equipped kitchen with a microwave, refrigerator, coffee maker, toaster, washing machine, and dryer. On the upper floor, there is a loft with 2 beds.
  • 2-Room Villas (Apartments) (Capacity: 4 adults + 2 children). These modern 54m² villas (apartments), recently opened, are close to the reception/restaurant and consist of 2 bedrooms with beds for 4 people + a sofa bed for 2, an open-plan living room with a fireplace and free firewood, a dining area, and a flat-screen TV. They also include a modern fully equipped kitchen with a dishwasher, oven, etc. There are 2 toilets and a shower in the shared sauna. Other modern amenities such as free WiFi are included. The villa has a glass-enclosed terrace.

Departure on December 6, 2023
Family Price
1 adult + 2 children $7695
2 adults + 1 child $7795
2 adults + 2 children $9895
2 adults + 3 children $11995
3 adults + 2 children $12395
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
from 21 days before, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Special direct flight from Valencia to Kuusamo (roundtrip)
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide throughout the trip
All transfers
Thermal suit for the entire stay (thermal overalls and boots)
Snowmobile helmet and gloves
4 nights accommodation in the Holiday Club Salla
Full board during the trip
Excursions and activities indicated in the itinerary
Snowmobile safari
Husky sleigh ride
Reindeer sleigh ride
Snowshoe excursion 
Ice fishing
Private family meeting with Santa Claus
1 gift per child aged 11 or under
Final cabin cleaning
One entrance to the hotel Spa
Complete online documentation
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Flight schedule departure December 06, 2023
12/06/2023 Valencia 09:00 Kuusamo 14:45
12/10/2023 Kuusamo 15:00 Madrid 18:55
It will interest you to know
Full board (including water pitcher), except for lunch on the last day as specified in the itinerary. Buffet breakfasts and dinners at Salla Tuvat (located a 10-minute walk from our accommodation) and light lunches during excursions.
Daily cabin cleaning is not included in the price.
The prices of optional activities are valid for bookings made up to 30 days before departure, subject to availability.
The order (but not the content) of the excursions may vary from this itinerary.
The prices for snowmobile and sled activities are based on two people sharing the vehicle.
The minimum age for driving snowmobiles is 18 years old. Children under the age limit will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile, based on their weight and height.
It is mandatory to have a valid European driver's license for cars in order to drive the snowmobiles, and it must be carried during the excursion.
All snowmobiles are covered by comprehensive insurance with a deductible of €1000, for which each participant is responsible in case of an accident.
Due to weather conditions (such as accumulated snow or ice) and for safety reasons, the excursions may experience changes in itineraries, duration, or even cancellations without prior notice.
The organizer does not guarantee weather conditions, accumulated snow or ice for the realization of the offered excursions or safaris. In the event that unforeseen circumstances prevent the completion of an excursion and it must be canceled, an alternative activity will be offered or the amount will be refunded upon return; either in full if the activity is canceled or partially reduced if conditions do not allow its complete realization.
Smoking in accommodations where it is not permitted may result in high fines, which can amount to up to 4500 euros per person.
The customer is responsible for the keys to the cabins, and in case of loss, compensation will be requested.


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