Imagina Lapland - Early December

Enjoy your trip to Lapland with one of the most spectacular programs that we have, in which the magic of Lapland and the quality of Catai come together to enjoy Lapland as a family like never before. Are you ready to visit Lapland?

Approximate price per family:
5770 $

Imagina by Catai offers trips designed for the whole family and provides entertainment from the very beginning of the journey. The animation serves as a guiding thread throughout the itineraries, ensuring that the little ones remain attentive, entertained, and amused at all times, thanks to the presence of animators and accompanying guides. The village of Nellim, located on the shores of Lake Inari (the third largest lake in Finland), in the northernmost part of the country, is nestled amidst the most beautiful landscapes of Lapland. The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, are highly visible in this area, with a claimed presence on 220 nights per year. But Nellim offers much more than that: immerse yourself in its abundant nature.

ayudantes papa noel laponia

Day 1. Madrid - Ivalo - Nellim.

Departure on a special direct flight to Ivalo. We will enjoy a snack on board the plane before arriving at our cold destination. Catario, the laid-back Eskimo, and his inseparable friends Pandereta and Chiquirritín are waiting for us in Lapland because they also want to meet Santa Claus. They will be the best companions for the adventure that awaits us... Once in Ivalo, we will transfer to the village of Nellim (approx. 50 minutes), where our accommodation will be located. During the journey, Catario, Pandereta, and Chiquirritín will explain how to put on the thermal suits that will keep us warm during our stay in Lapland. As soon as we arrive and settle in, we will start engaging in activities with Catario, Pandereta, and Chiquirritín. They will teach us tricks, conduct various workshops... Throughout the trip, we will gather clues, learn to distinguish Santa's reindeer, and learn songs and things typical of this culture, all in order to achieve our goal together: to see Joulupukki (Santa Claus) and have an unforgettable moment with him. Dinner will be served in the restaurant of the resort. After dinner, we will have games, and the parents can ask any questions they have about clothing, food, activities, etc., while we have fun with our new friends.

esqui fondo imagina nellim

Day 2. Nellim - Reindeer Farm Visit, Cross-Country Skiing, and Movie Session.

We will start with a delicious buffet breakfast at the hotel to gather strength for a day full of adventures. Together with Catario, Pandereta, and Chiquirritín, we will set off to visit a nearby reindeer farm. Upon arrival at the farm, the Sámi herder will welcome us. We will have the opportunity to feed the animals and see the calves that are born around the month of May. And how about ending this visit with a sleigh ride? Each sleigh is pulled by a single reindeer, and each reindeer has its own name. Do you know all the names of Santa Claus's reindeer? We might come across some of them at the farm. This ride is ideal for enjoying the snowy landscape. We will return to the hotel for lunch. After lunch, we will have some free time to rest before continuing with another typical activity of Lapland. We will go on an excursion to the cross-country skiing tracks. Cross-country skiing is very easy, even for those who have never tried it before. And with the explanations from Catario, Pandereta, and Chiquirritín, we will all become experts! We will enjoy the snow while practicing this activity with our certified instructors. To end the afternoon, how about enjoying a very special movie session? Popcorn will not be missing! We will have games and activities with our friends, to see if the reindeer gave us any clues to find Santa Claus, before enjoying dinner at the resort's restaurant. And off to sleep, as another day full of excitement awaits us tomorrow.

perros huskies laponia

Day 3. Nellim - Husky Sled Safari and Snowshoeing.

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. We put on our thermal clothing to start another day full of adventures. Today, we will embark on an unforgettable excursion, an incredible experience. We will travel in an authentic sled pulled by a team of husky dogs! We will join our new friends who will teach us how to drive these sleds. Each adult participant will drive their own sled, and we can take turns. Will our moms and dads be able to control these endearing animals? Well-trained huskies can pull up to seven times their own weight and are very gentle. We will return to the hotel for lunch. In the afternoon, we will have a fun activity in the snow. Are you ready to walk like ducks on snowshoes through the forest? Surely Catario, Pandereta, or Chiquirritín will teach us some tricks to avoid falling too much... It will be a peaceful walk for us to enjoy nature and observe our surroundings. Could there be one of Santa Claus's helpers hidden in the forest? Who knows! Maybe we will come across reindeer tracks and be able to follow their trail! Later, we will enjoy games and activities, both individual and family-oriented, where fun is guaranteed. Do you want to participate? We will have dinner at the hotel and enjoy some fun moments that are surely prepared for us.

nellim santa calus lalpand

Day 4. Nellim - Snowmobile Safari, Ice Fishing, and Meeting Santa Claus.

And the day we've been waiting for has arrived! We'll start the day with a delicious buffet breakfast before embarking on a snowmobile safari. They are very easy to drive, with no gears. The little ones can enjoy riding in the sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile through the snowy forests and frozen lakes. It will be even more fun! We'll make a stop to have something warm to drink (coffee, tea, or hot chocolate). We'll return to the hotel for lunch. In the afternoon, together with Catario, Pandereta, and Chiquirritín, we'll head to a frozen lake where a local fisherman will teach us how to fish using nets under the ice. First, each of us will have to make a hole in the ice and then try to catch fish. While the moms and dads try ice fishing, the little ones can have fun in the sledging area. After this activity, the moms and dads will have some free time during which we recommend enjoying a relaxing sauna. And the little ones in the group will enjoy entertainment activities at the hotel with Catario, Pandereta, and Chiquirritín. Will we have all the clues to meet Santa Claus? Surely, with what we've learned today, we'll be able to do it... As we'll have learned to be "real elves," we'll receive a very special visit - Santa Claus himself will visit us today! Each family will have a private moment with this endearing character. We can chat, give him our letters, take photos with him, and show him everything we've learned during the trip. Dinner will be at the hotel, and we'll continue with games and activities with Catario, Pandereta, and Chiquirritín to enjoy their craziness. It will be a night full of laughter and fun.

Day 5. Nellim - Ívalo - Madrid.

We will wake up eager to enjoy our last breakfast in Lapland. In the morning, we'll continue with games and activities. We will bid farewell to the land of Santa Claus! When the time comes, we will transfer to the airport. Departure on a direct flight to Spain. We'll have a snack on board before arriving in Madrid and ending our adventure. Catario, Pandereta, and Chiquirritín have been the best companions during our Lapland adventure because... they have a secret that they have revealed to us during the trip, but don't tell anyone else! Only those who have shared this experience with them know. We will have to say goodbye to them, but... don't worry, we'll meet again in the next adventure!

Imagina by Catai ofrece viajes pensados para toda la familia y cuenta con animación desde el primer momento del viaje, que acompañará y dará un hilo conductor a los itinerarios para que los más pequeños no pierdan la atención y estén entretenidos y divertidos en todo momento gracias a los animadores y guías acompañantes. El pueblo de Nellim, justo a orillas del lago de Inari (el tercer lago más grande de Finlandia), en el extremo norte del país, se encuentra en medio de los más bellos paisajes de Laponia. La aurora boreal en esta zona también es conocida como las Luces del Norte y las posibilidades de ver una aurora boreal son muy altas, pues afirman que ésta hace su acto de presencia 220 noches al año. Pero Nellim es mucho más: disfruta la naturaleza desbordante.

ayudantes papa noel laponia

Día 1. Madrid - Ívalo - Nellim.

Salida en vuelo especial directo a Ívalo. Tomaremos un snack a bordo del avión antes de llegar a nuestro frío destino. Catario, el esquimal más informal, y sus inseparables amigos Pandereta y Chiquirritín, nos esperan en Laponia, porque ellos también quieren encontrarse con Papá Noel. Serán los mejores compañeros para la aventura que nos aguarda… Una vez en Ívalo, nos trasladaremos hasta el pueblo de Nellim (aprox. 50 minutos), donde estará nuestro alojamiento. Durante el trayecto Catario, Pandereta y Chiquirritín, nos explicarán cómo ponernos los trajes térmicos que nos mantendrán calentitos durante nuestra estancia en Laponia. En cuánto lleguemos y nos instalemos empezaremos a realizar actividades con Catario, Pandereta y Chiquirritín. Nos enseñarán trucos, tendremos diferentes talleres… durante el viaje iremos recogiendo pistas, aprendiendo a diferenciar a los renos de Papá Noel, aprendiendo canciones y cosas típicas de esta cultura, para entre todos, conseguir nuestro objetivo: ver a Joulupukki y poder pasar un momento inolvidable con él. La cena la tendremos en el restaurante del complejo. Después de la cena, tendremos juegos y los papis podrán resolver todas las dudas que tengan de la ropa, comida, actividades, etc… mientras nos divertimos con nuestros nuevos amigos.

esqui fondo imagina nellim

Día 2. Nellim - Visita granja de renos, esquí de fondo y sesión de cine.

Comenzaremos con un delicioso desayuno buffet en el hotel para coger fuerza para un día lleno de aventuras. Junto con Catario, Pandereta y Chiquirritín saldremos para llegar a una granja de renos cercana. Al llegar a la granja, el criador lapón nos dará la bienvenida. Podremos dar de comer a los animales y ver las crías que nacen cada año sobre el mes de mayo. ¿Y qué os parece terminar esta visita con un paseo en trineo* Cada trineo está tirado por un solo reno y cada reno tiene su propio nombre. ¿Conocéis todos los nombres de los renos del trineo de Santa Claus* Puede que nos encontremos alguno en la granja. Este paseo es ideal para disfrutar del paisaje nevado. Regresamos al hotel para el almuerzo. Después del almuerzo tendremos algo de tiempo libre para descansar antes de seguir con otra de las actividades típicas de Laponia. Realizaremos una excursión a las pistas de esquí de fondo. Practicar esquí de fondo es muy fácil, incluso para los que no lo hayan probado nunca. Y con las explicaciones de Catario, Pandereta y Chiquirritín ¡seremos todos unos expertos! Disfrutaremos de la nieve practicando esta actividad con nuestros profesores titulados. Para finalizar la tarde, ¿qué os parece disfrutar de una sesión de cine muy especial* ¡No faltarán las palomitas! Tendremos juegos y actividades con nuestros amigos, a ver si los renos nos dieron alguna pista para encontrar a Santa Claus, antes de disfrutar de la cena en el restaurante del complejo. Y a dormir, que mañana nos espera otro día lleno de emociones.

perros huskies laponia

Día 3. Nellim - Safari en trineos de perros huskies y raquetas de nieve.

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Nos ponemos la ropa térmica para comenzar otro día lleno de aventuras, hoy realizaremos una de las excursiones que más tardaremos en olvidar, una experiencia increíble. ¡Viajaremos en un auténtico trineo tirado por un equipo de perros huskies! Salimos junto con nuestros nuevos amigos para que nos cuenten como conducir estos trineos. Cada participante adulto conducirá su propio trineo y se pueden ir alternando. ¿Serán capaces nuestros papás y mamás de controlar a estos entrañables animales* Los huskies bien entrenados pueden tirar hasta siete veces su propio peso y son muy dóciles. Regresaremos al hotel para la comida. Por la tarde, tendremos una divertida actividad en la nieve. ¿Os animáis a andar como patos encima de raquetas de nieve por el bosque* Seguro que Catario, Pandereta o Chiquirritín nos enseñará algún truco para no caernos mucho… Será un paseo tranquilo para que podamos disfrutar de la naturaleza y observar el entorno. ¿Habrá algún ayudante de Papá Noel escondido en el bosque* ¿Quién sabe* ¡Lo mismo nos encontramos huellas de los renos para poder seguir su rastro! Más tarde disfrutaremos de juegos y actividades, individuales y en familia, donde la diversión está garantizada. ¿Quieres participar* Cenaremos en el hotel y disfrutaremos de algún momento divertido que seguro que nos tienen preparado.


nellim santa calus lalpand

Día 4. Nellim - Safari en moto de nieve, pesca en el hielo y encuentro con Santa Claus.

¡Y llegó el día que estábamos esperando! Comenzaremos el día con un buen desayuno buffet antes de realizar una excursión en motos de nieve. Son muy fáciles de conducir, no tienen marchas. Los más pequeños podrán disfrutar en el trineo que llevará la moto de nieve del guía por los bosques nevados y los lagos helados ¡Será mucho más divertido! Haremos una parada para tomar algo calentito (café, té o chocolate). Regresamos al hotel para la comida. Por la tarde, junto con Catario, Pandereta y Chiquirritín, iremos hasta un lago helado donde un pescador local nos enseñará como pesca con las redes bajo el hielo. Primero cada uno tendremos que hacer un agujero en el hielo y después intentar pescar. Mientras los papás y mamás intentan pescar en el hielo, los más pequeños podrán divertirse en la zona de toboganes. Después de esta actividad, los papás y mamás tendrán tiempo libre durante el cual les recomendamos practicar una relajante sauna. Y los más peques del grupo disfrutarán de actividades de animación en las instalaciones del hotel con Catario, Pandereta y Chiquirritín. ¿Tendremos ya todas las pistas para encontrarnos con Papá Noel* Seguro que con lo que hemos aprendido hoy podremos conseguirlo… Como habremos aprendido a ser unos “auténticos elfos” recibiremos una visita muy especial, ¡Santa Claus en persona nos visitará hoy! Cada familia, de forma privada, podrá pasar un rato con este entrañable personaje. Charlar, darle nuestra carta, hacernos fotos con él y enseñarle todo lo que hemos aprendido durante el viaje. La cena la tendremos en el hotel y seguiremos con juegos y actividades con Catario, Pandereta y Chiquirritín para disfrutar con sus locuras. Una noche llena de risas y diversión

Día 5. Nellim - Ívalo - Madrid.

Nos levantaremos con ganas de degustar nuestro último desayuno en Laponia. Por la mañana seguiremos con juegos y actividades. ¡Nos despediremos del país de Santa Claus! Cuándo llegue el momento nos trasladaremos hacia el aeropuerto. Salida en vuelo directo a España. Tomaremos un snack a bordo antes de llegar a Madrid y que termine nuestra aventura. Catario, Pandereta y Chiquirritín han sido los mejores acompañantes durante nuestra aventura en Laponia, porque… ellos tienen un secreto que nos habrán revelado durante el viaje, ¡pero no digáis nada!, solo lo sabemos los que hemos compartido con ellos esta experiencia. Nos tendremos que despedir de ellos, pero… no os preocupéis ¡nos encontraremos en la próxima aventura!

vista aérea nellin

This hotel offers views of the idyllic Lake Inari, as well as modern accommodations with magnificent views of Finnish Lapland. The apartments and cabins are distributed over two floors and feature a double bed on the ground floor, as well as a living room with a fireplace. They are equipped with heating, TV, sauna, and a toilet. The upper floor has a loft with space for up to 3 beds. These cabins are located just 30-70 meters from the main building and reception. While not all cabins are identical, they are very similar.

Wilderness Nellim Resort

  • Double Rooms: Featuring 2 beds and a small sitting area. They are equipped with heating, TV, toilet, and shower. These rooms are located in the main building of the hotel. An extra bed can be added if needed.
  • Triple Rooms: Spacious and comfortable, ideal for small families. They have heating, TV, bathroom, kettle, and a fully equipped kitchen.
  • Arctic Suites (2 and 3 rooms + sauna): Capacity for 3-5 people. They have 2 or 3 bedrooms, a living room with a sofa bed, heating, TV, private sauna, toilet with shower, and a kitchen with a microwave oven, refrigerator, coffee maker, toaster, washing machine, and dishwasher.
  • Nellim Log Cabin Suites: These cabins are distributed over two floors and have a double bed on the ground floor, a living room, heating, TV, sauna, and a toilet. The upper floor has a loft with space for up to 3 beds. These cabins are located just 30-70 meters from the main building and reception. While not all cabins are identical, they are very similar. Maximum capacity of 5 people.
  • Peska Cabins: Spacious log cabins with views of the lake. They feature elegant wooden walls and fine Lapland details, offering plenty of space and comfort. Ideal for families looking to experience luxury during their stay. The cabin consists of two bedrooms, a spacious living/dining area, fireplace, fully equipped kitchen, and a bathroom with a shower and sauna. There is also a loft with 2 single beds. The recommended maximum capacity is 4 adults and 2 children.

Program December 7 to 11

Double Standard Room

Family Price
1 adult + 1 child $5770
2 adults $5830

Artic Suite

Family Price
2 adults $6145
1 adult + 2 children $8649
2 adults + 1 child $8740
2 adults + 2 children $11340

 Log Cabin Suites

Family Price
1 adult + 2 children $8865
2 adults + 1 child $8955
2 adults + 2 children $11850
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
from 21 days before, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight from Madrid
Snack on board
Animation team
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide during the trip
All transfers
Thermal suit throughout the stay
Includes boots and thermal overalls
Snowmobile helmet and gloves
4 nights in Nellim Wilderness
Full board (according to the program)
Water during meals
All activities, excursions, and safaris
Husky sledding safari
Reindeer farm visit
Cross-country skiing
Ice fishing
Private meeting with Santa Claus
1 gift per child aged 11 or under
Movie session
Final cabin cleaning
Complete online documentation
Travel gifts
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Flight schedule 
12/06/2023 Madrid 09:00 Ivalo 15:40
12/10/2023 Ivalo 16:50 Madrid 21:15
It will interest you to know
Daily cleaning in the apartments (not included in the price).
The order (but not the content) of the excursions may vary from this itinerary.
Flight schedules are subject to change and will be confirmed before the departure date.
The prices for snowmobile and sled excursions are based on two people sharing the vehicle.
The minimum age to drive snowmobiles is 18 years old. Children below this age will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile, based on their weight and height. It is mandatory to possess a valid European car driving license in order to drive the snowmobiles, and it must be carried during the excursion.
All snowmobiles are covered by comprehensive insurance with a deductible of €1000, for which each participant is responsible in case of an accident.
Due to weather conditions (such as snow or ice accumulation) and for safety reasons, excursions may undergo changes in itinerary, duration, or even cancellations without prior notice.
When the group size is very large, it may be divided into several smaller groups, which provides a more convenient operation for passengers. The schedule or order of services on excursions may be altered for this reason, without changing the content of the excursion. Your guides at the destination will inform you in advance of the schedule for your excursions.
The organizer does not guarantee weather conditions, snow or ice accumulation for the realization of the offered excursions or safaris. In the event that force majeure prevents the execution of any excursion and it needs to be canceled, an alternative activity will be arranged or the amount paid will be refunded upon return; either in full if the activity is canceled, or partially if conditions do not allow its complete realization.
Smoking in accommodations where it is not permitted may result in high fines, which can reach up to 4500 euros per person.
The customer is responsible for the keys to the apartments, and in case of loss, compensation will be requested.


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