New Years in Ruka Village

Say goodbye to the year 2023 in a magical and very special way. This 6-day program, departing from Madrid and Bilbao, is ideal for enjoying the beauty of Lapland while staying in fantastic apartments in Ruka Village.

Approximate price per family:
6355 $

New Year's Eve is a fantastic time to travel to Lapland, enjoying the best activities and extraordinary experiences in Ruka, such as husky sleigh rides, thrilling snowmobile excursions, visits to a reindeer farm, and sled rides, ending the day with a relaxing sauna. Ruka is a place to breathe fresh air and witness the beauty of nature. Here, you can walk in the white forest, feel the magic of the polar night, and enjoy the Northern Lights. 

Day 1. Spain / Kuusamo / Ruka

Arrive at the airport and meet with Catai staff who will assist you with the simple check-in procedures. Departure on a direct special flight to Kuusamo. Snack on board included. Arrival. Meet our guide and transfer to Ruka (approx. 30 min). Upon arrival in Ruka, we will collect the thermal equipment that we can use throughout our stay in Lapland. Once settled, we will enjoy dinner at a local restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 2. Ruka Ice Fishing and Snowshoeing

Breakfast at a restaurant. We will begin our adventure in Lapland with an ice fishing excursion on the frozen lake. The experience starts with arrival at a frozen lake where a fisherman will teach us how to fish through the ice. Each participant will have time to try their luck with the fishing rod through the ice. First, everyone will have to make their own hole in the ice and then attempt to catch fish. In this lake, we can find perch, pike, and lake herring. We will engage in a fun activity that is enjoyed by both adults and children: a snowshoeing tour through the snowy Lapland forest. Light lunch during the excursion. In the afternoon, you will have free time to enjoy some skiing or participate in an optional activity.

OPTIONAL EXCURSION: Karting and Mini Snowmobiles. Transfer to the karting circuit, where we will enjoy a completely new experience: driving special karts designed for snow or ice. Driving the karts is very easy, and people of all ages (adults or children) with a minimum height of 150 cm (required to reach the accelerator and brake pedals) can participate. Children who cannot drive the karts will have the opportunity to drive a mini snowmobile, an experience you will not forget. Prices are valid for bookings made up to 30 days before departure, subject to availability. A minimum of 10 people is required to conduct the excursion. Adult price: $90 // Children price (5-11 years old): $60. Dinner at a local restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 3. Ruka. Arctic Animal Safari: Huskies and Reindeer

Breakfast at a restaurant. We are getting ready to spend another incredible day in nature. In the morning, we will embark on an excursion that will leave a lasting memory, as we will have the opportunity to drive a sled pulled by a team of husky dogs, just like real mushers. Well-trained huskies can pull up to seven times their own weight. Their handlers will share interesting facts and information with us before we begin the ride. We will enjoy a light lunch during the excursion. Afterward, we will be transferred to a reindeer farm, where the Sámi herders will talk to us about their way of life. We will take a sleigh ride and learn about the life of reindeer and their herders. The rest of the afternoon is free, and you can take advantage of it to enjoy some skiing. In just a couple of hours, you can enjoy many downhill runs, as there are usually no queues at the lifts. Ruka typically keeps its slopes open from October until almost the end of May, with most of them illuminated. The little ones will find fun skiing at the Rosa & Rudolf Family Park located in Ruka Valley, which can be accessed by a scenic gondola from the village of Ruka. You will have a skipass and the necessary equipment for skiing for 3 hours. Dinner at a local restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 4. Ruka. Snowshoeing in Oulanka National Park

Breakfast at a restaurant. Today we will enjoy an unforgettable experience. We will embark on an excursion to the nearby Oulanka National Park, known for its stunning landscapes and waterfalls. Our guide will share stories about the flora and fauna of the area, and we will witness the beautiful rapids of Myllykoski. We will have the opportunity to savor a picnic lunch by a campfire. We will also engage in an activity that is loved by both adults and children: snowshoeing through the snowy landscape of the National Park. We will return to our accommodation in the afternoon, where you will have free time to enjoy the ski resort. As an optional activity, we suggest learning to glide along the snowy trails of Lapland as the locals have been doing for a long time, with cross-country skis. Cross-country skiing is a popular practice in all Nordic countries. It is straightforward, and with the guidance of the instructors, you can quickly learn to glide through the beautiful snowy landscapes. If you prefer, in the vicinity of our accommodation, you can go shopping or enjoy a hot beverage at one of the bars in the Village. Special New Year's Eve dinner at a local restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 5. Ruka. Snowmobile Safari and Meeting with Santa Claus

Breakfast at a restaurant. Today we will embark on one of the most spectacular excursions of the trip, a snowmobile safari. We will be provided with helmets and gloves, and after receiving instructions from the guides, we will begin our snowmobile ride. The adults will drive the snowmobiles (2 people per snowmobile), while the children will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. During the journey, we will feel the power of these machines and enjoy the snowy forests and frozen lakes. We will have a light lunch during the excursion. In the afternoon, the moment that all the children have been waiting for will arrive. We will be transferred to the village of Vuotunki, where Santa Claus's house is located next to a large frozen lake. On the slopes of the lake, when it snows, large natural slides form where children, and even adults, can enjoy sledding. It's time to enter the house where Santa will be waiting for us. Upon entering, we will be greeted by an elf, Santa's helper, who will lead us to the living room where we will meet Santa himself. We will spend a good time with him, he will tell us stories and teach us a song. Mrs. Claus is an expert cook, and today she will teach us her famous Christmas cookie recipe, which we will be able to bake in the house's large wood-fired oven. After the visit, Santa will personally give each child a gift. With the indelible memory of this visit, we will say goodbye to the Claus family and return to our accommodation. Dinner at a local restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 6. Ruka / Kuusamo / Spain

Breakfast at a restaurant. Free time until the designated transfer time. You can do some last-minute shopping in the Village or perhaps enjoy some relaxation before the return journey. We can't leave Lapland without experiencing a soothing sauna. Saunas are a tradition in Finland. Although the Finns didn't invent them, they have the highest number of saunas per capita, with almost one sauna for every 2 inhabitants, and they are the ones who use them most regularly. Departure to Kuusamo Airport. Check-in procedures and departure on a direct flight to Spain. Snack on board included. Arrival and the end of our adventure in Lapland.

Fin de Año es una época fantástica para viajar a Laponia, disfrutando de las mejores actividades y experiencias extraordinarias en Ruka, como paseos en trineos de perros huskies, excursiones en potentes motos de nieve, visitas a una granja de renos y paseos en trineo, para acabar el día tomando una relajante sauna. Ruka es un lugar para respirar aire puro y observar la belleza de la naturaleza. Aquí se puede caminar en el bosque blanco, sentir la magia de la noche polar y disfrutar de la aurora boreal.

Día 1. España / Kuusamo / Ruka

Presentación en aeropuerto. Encuentro con personal de Catai que os ayudará con los sencillos trámites de facturación. Salida en vuelo especial directo a Kuusamo. Snack a bordo incluido. Llegada. Encuentro con nuestro guía y traslado a Ruka (aprox. 30 min). A su llegada a Ruka recogeremos los equipos térmicos que podremos usar durante toda la estancia en Laponia. Una vez instalados disfrutaremos de la cena en un restaurante local. Alojamiento.

Día 2. Ruka Pesca en hielo y raquetas de nieve

Desayuno en un restaurante. Comenzaremos nuestra aventura en Laponia con una excursión de pesca en el Lago helado. La experiencia empieza con la llegada a un lago helado donde un pescador nos enseñará como pescar en el hielo, cada participante tendrá tiempo para probar suerte con la caña a través del hielo. Primero cada uno tendrá que realizar su propio agujero en el hielo y a continuación intentar pescar. En este lago podremos encontrar percas, lucios y arenques de lago. Realizaremos una divertida actividad, que gusta tanto a mayores como a pequeños; un paseo en raquetas de nieve por el nevado bosque lapón. Almuerzo ligero durante la excursión. Por la tarde tiempo libre que podéis aprovechar para realizar algunas bajadas de esquí o realizar una actividad opcional. 

Excursión opcional: Karting y mini motos de nieve.

Traslado al circuito de karting, donde disfrutaremos de una experiencia totalmente nueva; conducir karts especiales para desplazarse sobre la nieve o hielo. Conducir los karts es muy fácil y esta actividad la pueden realizar todas las personas (adultos o niños) con una altura mínima de 150 cm (necesaria para llegar a los pedales de acelerador y freno). Los niños que no puedan conducir los karts podrán conducir una mini-motonieve, una experiencia que sin duda no olvidareis. Precios válidos para reservas hechas hasta 30 días antes de la salida sujetos a disponibilidad de plazas. Se requiere un mínimo de 10 personas para realizar la excursión. Precio adulto: $90 // Precio niños (5-11 años): $60. Cena en un restaurante local. Alojamiento.

Día 3. Ruka. Safari de animales árticos: huskies y renos

Desayuno en un restaurante. Nos preparamos para pasar otro día increíble en la naturaleza. Por la mañana realizaremos una excursión que perdurará en nuestra memoria durante mucho tiempo, ya que podremos conducir, como auténticos mushers un trineo tirado por un equipo de perros huskies. Los huskies bien entrenados pueden tirar de hasta siete veces su propio peso. Esto y muchas más curiosidades nos las explicarán sus preparadores antes de realizar el paseo. Degustaremos un almuerzo ligero durante la excursión. A continuación, traslado a una granja de renos donde sus criadores lapones nos hablarán de su modo de vida. Realizaremos un paseo en trineo y aprenderemos sobre la vida de los renos y sus pastores. Resto de la tarde libre que podéis aprovechar para realizar algunas bajadas de esquí. En tan sólo un par de horas podréis disfrutar de muchas bajadas ya que no suele haber colas en los remontes. Ruka suele tener sus pistas abiertas desde octubre hasta casi finales de mayo y la mayoría iluminadas. Los más pequeños encontraran diversión esquiando en el parque infantil Rosa & Rudolf Family Park situado en Ruka Valley al que se puede acceder con una góndola escénica desde el pueblo de Ruka. Dispondréis de un skipass y la equipación necesaria para la práctica de esquí durante 3 horas. Cena en un restaurante local. Alojamiento.

Día 4. Ruka. Raquetas de nieve en el Parque Nacional de Oulanka

Desayuno en un restaurante. Hoy disfrutaremos de una experiencia inolvidable. Realizaremos una excursión al cercano Parque Nacional de Oulanka, que es conocido por sus impresionantes paisajes y cascadas. El guía nos contará historias sobre la flora y fauna del área y veremos los hermosos rápidos de Myllykoski. Podremos disfrutar y saborear un almuerzo tipo picnic al lado de una hoguera. También realizaremos una de las actividades que gustan tanto a mayores como pequeños. Caminaremos con raquetas de nieve por el nevado paisaje del Parque Nacional. Regreso a nuestro alojamiento. Por la tarde tendremos tiempo libre que podéis aprovechar en la estación de esquí. Os proponemos opcionalmente aprender a deslizarse por los caminos nevados de Laponia como llevan tiempo haciéndolo los locales, con esquís de fondo. El esquí de fondo es una práctica muy habitual en todos los países nórdicos. Es muy sencillo y en poco rato, con el asesoramiento de los instructores, podréis aprender a deslizaros por los bonitos paisajes nevados. Si lo prefieres, en el entorno de nuestro alojamiento, podréis realizar compras o disfrutar de una bebida caliente en alguno de los bares del Village. Cena especial de Fin de Año en un restaurante local. Alojamiento.

Día 5. Ruka. Safari en moto de nieve y encuentro con Santa Claus

Desayuno en un restaurante. En el día de hoy realizaremos una de las excursiones más espectaculares del viaje, un safari en moto de nieve. Para ello, nos proveerán de cascos y guantes y tras las instrucciones de los guías, iniciaremos nuestro paseo en moto de nieve. Los adultos conduciremos las motos (2 personas por moto) y los niños viajan en un trineo que arrastra la moto de nieve del guía. Durante el trayecto podremos sentir la potencia de estas máquinas y disfrutar de los bosques nevados y lagos helados. Almuerzo ligero durante la excursión. Por la tarde llegará el momento que todos los niños estaban esperando. Nos trasladaremos al pueblo de Vuotunki donde se encuentra la casa de Santa Claus, al lado de un gran lago helado. En las laderas del lago, al caer la nieve, se forman grandes toboganes naturales en los que los niños, y no tan niños podrán disfrutar tirándose en trineos. Ha llegado el momento de entrar en la casa donde Santa nos estará esperando. Al entrar, nos recibe un elfo, ayudante de Santa Claus, y nos conduce hasta el salón en el que conoceremos al mismísimo Santa. Con él pasaremos un buen rato, nos contará historias y nos enseñará alguna canción. La Sra. Claus es una experta cocinera y hoy nos enseñará su famosa receta de galletas navideñas que, una vez hechas, podremos hornear en el gran horno de leña de la casa. Finalizada la visita, Santa entregará personalmente un regalo a cada niño. Con el recuerdo imborrable de esta visita nos despediremos de la familia Claus y emprenderemos el regreso a nuestro alojamiento. Cena en un restaurante local. Alojamiento.

Día 6. Ruka / Kuusamo / España

Desayuno en un restaurante. Tiempo libre hasta la hora indicada para el traslado. Pueden realizar las últimas compras en el Village o quizás disfrutar de un rato de relax antes del regreso. No nos podemos ir de Laponia sin practicar una relajante sauna. La sauna en Finlandia es toda una tradición. Aunque los fineses no la inventaron sí que son el país con mayor cantidad de saunas por habitante; casi una sauna por cada 2 habitantes y los que la practican con mayor asiduidad. Salida hacia el aeropuerto de Kuusamo. Trámites de facturación y salida en vuelo directo con destino España. Snack a bordo incluido. Llegada y fin de nuestra aventura en Laponia.

Ruka Village Apartments

The Ruka Village Apartments are located in a complex just 50 meters away from the ski lifts of Ruka ski resort, in the heart of the town and next to the Skibus stop. They are close to all shops, restaurants, cafes, etc. All apartments have free WiFi.

  • RukaVillage30 (30m²): Combining the best aspects of a hotel room and an apartment, it features two 90cm beds and a small sitting area with a sofa bed. It has a kitchen, toilet, shower, private sauna, and balcony. Recommended for a maximum of 2 adults + 1 child.
  • RukaVillage45 (45m²): It includes 2 bedrooms (one with 2 beds and another with a bunk bed featuring a lower bed of 120cm and an upper bed of 80cm), as well as a sofa bed in the living room. It also includes a drying closet for thermal clothing. Capacity for 4 adults + 2 children.
  • RukaVillage60 (60m²): Similar to the previous option, but with 2 double bedrooms, each with 2 beds, and 2 toilets.

Departure December 28 from Madrid and Bilbao

Prices Ruka Village30

Family Price
1 adult + 1 child $6355
1 adult + 2 children $8599
2 adults $6819
2 adults + 1 child $9055

Prices Ruka Village45

Family Price
2 adults + 2 children $11515

Prices Ruka Village60

Family Price
2 adults + 2 children $11749
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
cancellation from 21 days before, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight from Madrid and Bilbao
Snacks on board
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide during the trip
All transfers
Thermal suit throughout the stay
5 nights accommodation apartments Ruka Village
Set of sheets and towels per person
Final cleaning of the apartment
Full board according to itinerary
New Year's Eve special dinner
Meeting with Santa Claus
Gift for children 11 and under
Reindeer sleigh ride
Snowshoe safari
Husky sleigh ride
Ice fishing
Snowshoe safari
Ski Pass
Excursion to Oulanka National Park
Complete online documentation and gifts
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Flight schedule from Madrid
12/28/2023 Madrid 09:00 Kuusamo 14:45
01/02/2024 Kuusamo 15:35 Madrid 19:25
Flight schedule from Bilbao
12/28/2023 Bilbao 08:10 Kuusamo 14:00
01/02/2024 Kuusamo 15:55 Bilbao 19:30
Optional excursions
Optional karting and mini snowmobiling excursion: $90 per adult and $60 per child (5-11 years).
It will interest you to know
Thermal suit for the entire stay (including boots and thermal jumpsuit), as well as helmet and gloves for the snowmobile excursion.
Full board (including a jug of water), except for lunch on the last day as specified in the itinerary: breakfasts at the restaurant, light lunches during excursions, and dinners at a local restaurant.
Ski Pass: 3 hours of downhill skiing or cross-country skiing with rental equipment included.
Intermediate cleaning in the apartments (not included in the price).
The prices of optional activities are valid for bookings made up to 30 days before departure, subject to availability.
The order (but not the content) of the excursions may vary from this itinerary.
Flight schedules may be subject to changes and will be confirmed prior to the departure date.
The prices for snowmobile and sled excursions are based on two people sharing the vehicle.
The minimum age to drive snowmobiles is 18 years old. Children below this age will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile, based on their weight and height. It is mandatory to possess a valid European car driving license in order to drive the snowmobiles, and it must be carried during the excursion.
All snowmobiles are covered by comprehensive insurance with a deductible of €1000, for which each participant is responsible in case of an accident.
Due to weather conditions (such as snow or ice accumulation) and for safety reasons, excursions may undergo changes in itinerary, duration, or even cancellations without prior notice.
When the group size is very large, it may be divided into several smaller groups, which provides a more convenient operation for passengers. The schedule or order of services on excursions may be altered for this reason, without changing the content of the excursion. Your guides at the destination will inform you in advance of the schedule for your excursions.
The organizer does not guarantee weather conditions, snow or ice accumulation for the realization of the offered excursions or safaris. In the event that force majeure prevents the execution of any excursion and it needs to be canceled, an alternative activity will be arranged or the amount paid will be refunded upon return; either in full if the activity is canceled, or partially if conditions do not allow its complete realization.
Smoking in accommodations where it is not permitted may result in high fines, which can reach up to $4500 per person.
The customer is responsible for the keys to the apartments, and in case of loss, compensation will be requested.


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