Saariselkä Northern Lights Village

A fantastic trip to Lapland with accommodation at the Northern Lights Village hotel and enjoying the best activities that the land of magic can offer us. Travel to Lapland and discover the last paradise of Europe.

Approximate price per family:
6089 $

The Northern Lights Village is located in the surroundings of Saariselkä, in a privileged natural setting surrounded by the pristine and untouched nature of Lapland. The hills of Saariselkä offer us an incomparable Arctic landscape, surrounded by snowy forests and frozen lakes. It's a perfect place to explore on a snowmobile, go on a husky or reindeer sleigh ride, or simply relax in the sauna. With a bit of luck, we may even admire a spectacular Northern Lights display right from our accommodation. Saariselkä, a municipality located over 200 km north of the Arctic Circle, in a privileged natural environment, is Lapland's winter paradise. Its hills showcase an unmistakable Arctic landscape, surrounded by majestic frozen lakes and numerous snow-covered forests. Within a short distance, we find the alpine ski resort of Saariselkä, perfect for skiers of all levels. The opinion of numerous travelers who have had the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful experience is undoubtedly our greatest guarantee.

Day 1. Seville / Ivalo / Saariselkä

Arrival at the airport. Meet with Catai staff who will assist you with the simple check-in procedures. Departure on a special direct flight to Ivalo. Snack included on board. Meet your guide and transfer to Saariselkä (approx. 30 min.). Arrival. Once at the destination, you will collect the thermal equipment that you can use throughout your stay in Lapland. After settling in, we will enjoy a delicious dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 2. Saariselkä. Reindeer Safari

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. We will begin our adventure in Lapland with a visit to a reindeer farm. According to legend, the Sun gave humanity the reindeer and taught them how to take care of them to celebrate the marriage between his son and a human woman. A local reindeer herder will share stories and interesting facts about these endearing animals. We will learn what reindeer eat in winter and how they survive in outdoor temperatures of -30 degrees Celsius. We will have the opportunity to feed them and enjoy a sleigh ride. Return to the hotel. Light lunch at the hotel restaurant. The rest of the day is free to enjoy the accommodation and the Arctic nature. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 3. Saariselkä. Husky Sled Safari

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. It's time to put on our thermal clothing again and enjoy an incredible day in the great outdoors. The husky sled safari awaits us. These friendly animals will be eagerly waiting, jumping and barking, ready to pull the sleds. During this ride, each adult will have the opportunity to drive their own sled (2 people per sled, taking turns as driver: while one person drives, the other sits in the sled). These dogs resemble wolves, with their pointed ears, piercing gaze, and pronounced snout. They can have one eye of each color. This is undoubtedly one of the best experiences to enjoy in Lapland. Return to the hotel. Light lunch at the hotel restaurant. Free time to enjoy the hotel and its surroundings. You can take advantage of the opportunity to ski down the slopes at the Saariselkä alpine ski resort, located near our accommodation, making it easy for you to ski, and in just a couple of hours, you can enjoy many runs as there are usually no queues for the lifts. Saariselkä typically keeps its slopes open until well into May, and many of them are illuminated. Our guides will provide you with information on schedules, lift pass prices, and equipment rental. Both lift passes and ski equipment can be purchased for specific hours (from just 1 hour to several days). Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 4. Saariselkä. Snowmobile Safari and Meeting Santa Claus

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. We will start another wonderful day of adventures in Lapland with one of the most spectacular excursions we can do: a snowmobile safari. We will begin with driving instructions (which are very easy as they don't have gears) before enjoying the power of these machines. Leave your worries behind and immerse yourself in the pure Lapland nature. We will make stops along the way for taking photographs or changing drivers. Children will have the opportunity to try out some snowmobiles on a closed track near the hotel. Return to the hotel. Next, we will continue with a visit to the most famous character in Lapland and Christmas. We will embark on a magical experience guided by an elf. You will have the chance to meet Santa's flying reindeer (unfortunately, the reindeer can only fly on Christmas Eve), so you can take a short sleigh ride to reach Santa Claus's secret cabin. There, each family will have a meeting with him, chat, and take photos. Children aged 11 or younger will receive a gift. With this unforgettable memory where we all become children again, we return to the accommodation to enjoy our last night in Lapland. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 5. Saariselkä / Ivalo / Seville

Buffet breakfast. Free time until the scheduled transfer. You can enjoy your cabin or have fun in the snow before our departure. Departure to Ivalo airport. Check-in procedures and boarding for a direct flight to Seville. Snack onboard included. Arrival and end of our adventure in Lapland.

El Northern Lights Village está situado en el entorno de Saariselkä, en un enclave natural privilegiado rodeado de la naturaleza virgen e intacta de Laponia. Las colinas de Saariselkä nos ofrecen un paisaje ártico incomparable, rodeadas de bosques nevados y lagos helados. Un lugar perfecto para explorar en moto de nieve, pasear en trineo de huskies o renos… o simplemente relajándose en la sauna. Con un poco de suerte podremos admirar desde nuestro propio alojamiento una espectacular Aurora Boreal. Saariselkä, municipio que se encuentra más de 200 km en el norte del Círculo Polar Ártico, en un entorno natural privilegiado, es el paraíso blanco de Laponia. Sus colinas nos enseñan un paisaje ártico inconfundible, rodeadas de grandiosos lagos helados y multitud de bosques cubiertos de nieve. A poca distancia encontramos la estación de esquí alpino de Saariselkä, perfecta para esquiadores de cualquier nivel. La opinión de multitud viajeros que han podido disfrutar de esta maravillosa experiencia es, sin duda, nuestra mayor garantía.

Día 1. Sevilla / Ivalo / Saariselkä

Presentación en aeropuerto. Encuentro con personal de Catai que os ayudará con los sencillos trámites de facturación. Salida en vuelo especial directo a Ivalo. Snack a bordo incluido. Encuentro con su guía y traslado a Saariselkä (aprox. 30 min.). Llegada. Una vez en destino recogeréis los equipos térmicos que podréis utilizar durante toda vuestra estancia en Laponia. Una vez instalados degustaremos una deliciosa cena en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Día. 2 Saariselkä. Safari de renos

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Comenzaremos nuestra aventura en Laponia con la visita a la granja de renos. Cuenta la leyenda que, para celebrar el matrimonio entre su hijo y una mujer humana, el Sol le dio a la humanidad el reno y le enseñó a cuidarlo. Un criador local nos contará historias y curiosidades de estos entrañables animales. Podremos averiguar qué come un reno en invierno o como sobrevive al aire libre a -30 grados centígrados. Tendremos la oportunidad de darles de comer y disfrutar de un paseo en trineo. Regreso al hotel. Almuerzo ligero en el restaurante del hotel. Resto del día libre para disfrutar del alojamiento y de la naturaleza ártica. Cena en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Día 3. Saariselkä. Safari en trineo de perros huskies

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Toca ponerse de nuevo la ropa térmica para disfrutar de un día increíble al aire libre. Ha llegado el momento de empezar el safari de huskies. Estos amigables animales estarán esperándonos, saltando y ladrando, para empezar a tirar de los trineos. En este paseo cada adulto podrá conducir su propio trineo (2 personas por trineo que irán alternando la posición de piloto: mientras una conduce la otra persona va sentada en el trineo). Son perros que nos recuerdan a los lobos, con sus orejas puntiagudas, su mirada penetrante y su hocico pronunciado. Pueden tener un ojo de cada color. Ésta es, sin duda, una de las mejores experiencias que se pueden disfrutar en Laponia. Regreso al hotel. Almuerzo ligero en el restaurante del hotel. Tiempo libre para disfrutar del hotel y sus alrededores. Podéis aprovechar para hacer algunas bajadas esquiando en la estación de esquí alpino de Saariselkä, situada cerca de nuestro alojamiento por lo que le resultará muy sencillo esquiar y en tan sólo un par de horas puede disfrutar de muchas bajadas ya que no suele haber colas en los remontadores. Saariselkä tiene sus pistas abiertas, habitualmente hasta bien entrado el mes de mayo y muchas de ellas iluminadas. Nuestros guías le informarán de horarios, precios de forfait y material de alquiler. Tanto el ticket de remontadores como el material de esquí se pueden adquirir por horas (desde 1 sola hora hasta varios días). Cena en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Día 4. Saariselkä. Safari en moto de nieve y encuentro con Santa Claus

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Comenzaremos otro maravilloso día de aventuras en Laponia con una de las excursiones más espectaculares que podemos hacer, una excursión en motos de nieve. Comenzaremos con las instrucciones de conducción (son muy fáciles porque no tienen marchas) antes de disfrutar de la potencia de estas máquinas. Deja atrás las preocupaciones y disfruta de la más pura naturaleza lapona. Realizaremos paradas durante el trayecto para poder tomar fotografías o cambiar la posición de conductor. Los niños podrán probar unas motos de nieve en una pista cerrada cerca del hotel. Regreso al hotel Seguiremos con la visita al personaje más famoso de la Laponia y de la navidad. Comenzaremos una experiencia mágica donde un elfo será nuestro guía. Podréis conocer al reno volador de Santa (lamentablemente los renos solo pueden volar la noche de Navidad) por lo que podréis dar un corto paseo en trineo hasta llegar a la cabaña secreta de Santa Claus. Allí cada familia tendrá un encuentro con él, charlar o hacer fotos. Los niños de 11 años o menos recibirán un regalo. Con este recuerdo imborrable en el que todos volvemos a ser niños regresamos al alojamiento para disfrutar de nuestra última noche en Laponia. Cena en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Día 5. Saariselkä / Ivalo / Sevilla

Desayuno buffet. Tiempo libre hasta la hora indicada para el traslado. Podrán disfrutar de su cabaña o pasar momentos divertidos en la nieve antes de nuestro regreso. Salida hacia el aeropuerto de Ivalo. Trámites de facturación y salida en vuelo directo con destino Sevilla. Snack a bordo incluido. Llegada y fin de nuestra aventura en Laponia.

Northern Lights Village

Located in the beautiful surroundings of Saariselka, the accommodation features a restaurant and its own reindeer enclosure. The restaurant specializes in local Lapland cuisine. Through the windows, you can enjoy views of nature. Next to the restaurant, you will find the complex's reindeer, and you can always approach them to greet these domesticated animals. The snowmobile, reindeer, and husky activities take place within the same complex. The Aurora Cabins offer a magical way to experience the winter sky filled with stars and, with a bit of luck, the Northern Lights.

Program from 06 to 10 December 2023

Price Aurora Cabins

Family Price
1 adult + 1 child $6089
1 adult + 2 children $8129
2 adults $6155
2 adults + 1 child $8209
2 adults + 2 children $10269
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
from 21 days before, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight from Sevilla
Snacks on board
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide during the trip
All transfers
Thermal suit throughout the stay
Includes boots and thermal jumpsuit
Snowmobile helmet and gloves
4 nights Aurora Cabins Northern Lights Village
Full board according to itinerary
Visit to Santa Claus and private meeting
Program with elves
Reindeer sleigh ride
Husky sleigh ride
A gift for each child age 11 and under
Complete online documentation and gifts
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Flight schedule
12/06/2023 Sevilla 09:00 Ivalo 15:30
12/10/2023 Ivalo 15:30 Sevilla 20:10
You'll be interested to know
Daily cleaning (not included in the price).
The order (but not the content) of the excursions may vary from this itinerary.
Flight schedules may be subject to changes and will be confirmed before the departure date.
The prices for snowmobile and sleigh excursions are based on two people sharing the vehicle.
The minimum age for driving snowmobiles is 18 years old. Children under this age, depending on their weight and height, will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. It is mandatory to have a valid car driving license for Europe in order to drive the snowmobiles, and it must be carried during the excursion.
All snowmobiles are covered by comprehensive insurance with a deductible of €1000, for which each participant is responsible in case of an accident.
Due to weather conditions (such as accumulated snow or ice) and for safety reasons, excursions may undergo changes in itineraries, duration, or even be canceled without prior notice.
When the group size is very large, it may be divided into smaller groups, which simplifies the operation and is more comfortable for the passengers. Therefore, the schedule or order of services on excursions may be altered for this reason, without modifying the overall content of the excursion. Your guides at the destination will inform you in advance of the excursion schedules.
The organizer does not guarantee weather conditions, snow conditions, or ice conditions for the realization of the offered excursions or safaris. In the event that unforeseen circumstances prevent the realization of any excursion and it has to be canceled, an alternative activity will be arranged or the amount paid for the excursion will be refunded upon return, either in full if the activity is canceled or partially if the conditions do not allow its complete realization.
Smoking in accommodations where it is not allowed may result in high fines, which can amount up to 4500 euros per person.
The customer is responsible for the cabin keys, and in case of loss, compensation will be requested.


Our website specializes exclusively in trips to Lapland. Here you will find a wide variety of high-quality trips to Lapland with departures from our country. We offer the best guaranteed prices. We are experts in traveling to Lapland and offer the best options thanks to a variety of programs tailored to your needs, as well as customized trips to Lapland, so you can enjoy the best services while experiencing the most exciting activities in the most exclusive destinations in Lapland. Planning your trip to Lapland is now possible; you just need to get in touch with us. A specialist travel advisor for Lapland will contact you to understand your needs and provide you with the best option to fully experience the world's greatest winter paradise.

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