Wilderness hotel Muotka - Early December

It's December in Muotka, Finland, and winter has arrived in all its splendor. It's the perfect time for an exciting trip to this magical place, where wild nature and Sami culture come together to create a unique experience.

Es diciembre en Muotka, Finlandia, y el invierno ha llegado en todo su esplendor. Es el momento perfecto para un viaje emocionante a este mágico lugar, donde la naturaleza salvaje y la cultura sami se combinan para crear una experiencia única.

Approximate price per family:
5240 $

The December break is the perfect opportunity to visit Muotka, a place where everyday life meets the wonders of nature. Imagine the Northern Lights dancing overhead as you drive a reindeer-drawn sleigh through a stunning winter landscape. Feel the warmth of a traditional Finnish sauna after a day filled with snow adventures. And don't miss the chance to indulge in delicious local cuisine and meet the friendly and welcoming people who inhabit this wonderful place.

Day 1 Madrid - Ivalo - Muotka

At the designated time, meet at Madrid airport with the assistance of our staff for check-in for the direct flight to Ivalo, Finland. Your journey to Lapland begins here! Flight schedule (local time): Madrid - Ivalo 09:00 - 15:00 h. Arrival at Ivalo airport, the northernmost airport in Finland. Assistance and transfer to your accommodation, located about 40 km from the airport (approximately 35 minutes). Hotel Muotka Wilderness offers virtually endless possibilities to satisfy your thirst for various outdoor activities, both in winter and summer. This destination is perfect for those seeking an active vacation in a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, or for a romantic getaway. Its location near Urho Kekkonen National Park provides access to marked hiking and skiing trails. Muotka offers a wide variety of accommodation in a unique Arctic environment, including tastefully decorated hotel rooms, wooden cabins, superior suites with a sauna, and accommodation in glass igloos. The magical landscapes of the taiga forest and the peaceful nature will make your vacation unforgettable. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 2 Muotka. Visit to a Reindeer Farm, Cross-Country Skiing, and Aurora Safari

We have spent our first night in Lapland, and after enjoying a full buffet breakfast at the resort's restaurant, we are ready to start experiencing some unique activities. Today, we will enjoy our first day in the snow with typical activities in the local area. Reindeer and reindeer herding are an important part of the history of northern Finland. So today, we will meet these friendly animals on a guided visit that will allow us to learn about reindeer husbandry. The guide will tell us more about Sami culture and the life of a reindeer. You will have the opportunity to feed the reindeer, and the curious animals may come close to eat from your hand. The visit will end with a relaxing sleigh ride pulled by a reindeer through the snowy forest. We will return to the accommodation for lunch. In the afternoon, we will participate in another typical activity of this area. Cross-country skiing was formerly the most common method of transportation, and all Finns have this skill in their blood. There is no quieter way to explore icy and snowy landscapes than with cross-country skis. The guide will teach you how to use the skis, and once everyone has gotten the hang of it, we will take a beautiful walk through the surrounding nature. We will ski at a leisurely pace, stopping to take photos and enjoy hot drinks along the way. Dinner will be served at the resort's restaurant.  After dinner, we will prepare for a unique activity. This activity will take you to the incredible surroundings of Muotka. You will comfortably sit in a sleigh pulled by the guide's snowmobile. This way, you can enjoy the northern sky throughout the journey to the camp. At the camp, there is a cabin with an open fire to keep warm on a winter night of aurora hunting. Your guide will also serve hot drinks to keep you warm, and we will make pancakes on the fire! The camp has minimal light pollution, making it perfect for observing the northern lights that, with luck, will appear in the sky. It will surely be an unforgettable night. Accommodation.

Day 3 Muotka. Husky Safari and Snowshoeing

We continue to enjoy the destination and unique activities. After a hearty and much-needed breakfast at our accommodation, we will be transferred to a nearby husky farm. The enthusiastic barks of these adorable dogs will welcome you. Your host will provide information about the life and training methods of these Arctic animals and give instructions on how to control the sleds, which will be driven in pairs: while one person drives, the other can sit back and enjoy the ride. Here, you will have the opportunity to take excellent photographs and drive your own husky sled. We will return to our hotel for lunch. In the afternoon, we will enjoy a fun activity. We will equip ourselves with snowshoes and take a pleasant walk in the surrounding nature. Along the way, our guide will share interesting stories and information about Finnish nature and animals. It's a perfect way to explore the surroundings at a leisurely pace. Dinner will be served at our accommodation.

Day 4 Muotka. Snowmobile Safari and Meeting with Santa Claus

A new day dawns in Lapland. Today, we prepare for one of the highlights of the trip that both the little ones and the not-so-little ones have been eagerly awaiting. After a good breakfast at our accommodation, you will have the opportunity to experience something unique by riding powerful snowmobiles through snowy forests and frozen lakes. Equipped with all the necessary cold-weather gear and having received the required safety instructions and snowmobile handling tips (it's very simple), you'll be able to fully enjoy this activity. For the peace of mind of the parents, the younger ones will enjoy the snowmobile safari while sitting in a sled pulled by the guides' snowmobiles. With our snowmobiles, we will embark on a journey to find Santa's secret cabin. Once we locate it, privately and family by family, we will have the chance to meet Santa Claus himself in a cabin in the middle of the forest. We can have a conversation with him, take photos, and enjoy a magical encounter. With so many emotions, we are sure to work up an appetite. Lunch will be served at the resort's restaurant. The rest of the afternoon is free. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 5 Muotka - Ivalo - Madrid

It's the last day in Lapland. After enjoying breakfast at our accommodation, we'll have free time to make the most of the surroundings until it's time to transfer to Ivalo Airport. We'll complete the check-in and board the direct flight back to Madrid. Flight schedule (local time): Ivalo - Madrid 16:00 - 20:15. During the flight, we'll be served a snack-dinner with a beverage included. Arrival and end of the trip.

El puente de diciembre es la ocasión perfecta para visitar Muotka, un lugar donde la vida cotidiana se encuentra con la maravilla de la naturaleza. Imagina las luces del norte danzando sobre la cabeza mientras conduces un trineo tirado por renos a través de un paisaje invernal deslumbrante. Siente la calidez de una sauna tradicional finlandesa después de un día lleno de aventuras en la nieve. Y no te pierdas la oportunidad de disfrutar de la deliciosa gastronomía local y de conocer a la gente amable y acogedora que habita este maravilloso lugar.

Día 1 Madrid - Ivalo - Moutka

A la hora indicada presentación en aeropuerto de Madrid con la asistencia de nuestro personal para la facturación del vuelo directo a Ivalo (Finlandia). ¡Iniciáis aquí vuestro viaje a Laponia! Horarios de vuelos (horas locales): Madrid – Ivalo 09:00 – 15:00 h Llegada al aeropuerto de Ivalo, el situado más al norte de Finlandia. Asistencia y traslado hacia su alojamiento, a unos 40 km del aeropuerto (35 minutos aprox.). El Hotel Muotka Wilderness ofrece posibilidades prácticamente infinitas para saciar la sed de muchos tipos de actividades al aire libre, tanto en invierno como en verano. Este destino es perfecto para quienes buscan unas vacaciones activas en un ambiente acogedor y relajante o para una escapada romántica. Su ubicación cerca del Parque Nacional Urho Kekkonen da acceso a rutas señalizadas de senderismo y esquí. Muotka ofrece una gran variedad de alojamiento en un entorno ártico único, con habitaciones de hotel decoradas con mucho gusto, cabañas de madera, suites superiores con sauna y alojamiento en iglús de cristal. Los mágicos paisajes del bosque de taiga y la tranquila naturaleza harán que sus vacaciones sean inolvidables. Cena en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento

Día 2 Moutka. Visita a granja de renos, esquí de fondo y safari de auroras

Hemos pasado nuestra primera noche en Laponia y después de tomar un completo desayuno buffet en el restaurante del complejo, vamos a empezar a disfrutar de algunas experiencias únicas. Hoy podremos disfrutar de nuestro primer día en la nieve con actividades habituales en la población local. Los renos y su pastoreo son una parte importante de la historia del norte de Finlandia. Así que hoy conoceremos a estos simpáticos animales en una visita guiada que les permitirá conocer el modo de vida de la cría de renos. El guía nos contará más cosas sobre la cultura sami y la vida de un reno. Darás de comer a los renos, y puede que los curiosos animales se acerquen a comer de tu mano. La visita acabará con un relajante paseo en un trineo arrastrado por un reno por el bosque nevado. Regreso al alojamiento para disfrutar del almuerzo. Por la tarde realizaremos otra de las actividades más típicas de esta zona. Antiguamente, el esquí de fondo era el método de transporte más común, y todos los finlandeses llevan esta habilidad en la sangre. No hay método más silencioso para recorrer paisajes helados y nevados que los esquís de fondo. El guía os enseñará a utilizar los esquís, y una vez que todos le hayáis cogido el truco, haremos un bonito paseo por la naturaleza circundante. Esquiaremos sin prisas, parando para hacer fotos y disfrutar de bebidas calientes por el camino. Cena en el restaurante del complejo. Tras la misma, nos preparamos para una actividad única. Esta actividad le llevará a los increíbles alrededores de Muotka. Irás cómodamente sentado en un trineo tirado por la moto de nieve del guía. Así podrá disfrutar del cielo boreal durante todo el trayecto hasta el campamento. En el campamento hay una cabaña con un fuego abierto para entrar en calor en una noche invernal de caza de auroras. Su guía también le servirá bebidas calientes para mantenerle caliente y haremos pancakes en el fuego! El campamento tiene una contaminación lumínica mínima, lo que lo hace perfecto para ver las auroras boreales que, con suerte, aparecerán en el cielo. Seguro que es una noche completamente inolvidable. Alojamiento

Día 3 Moutka. Safari de Huskies y raquetas de nieve

Seguimos disfrutando del destino y actividades únicas. Después de un potente y necesario desayuno en nuestro alojamiento, Traslado hasta una granja de perros huskies cercana. Los ladridos entusiastas de estos adorables perros te darán la bienvenida. Su anfitrión proporcionará información sobre la vida y los métodos de entrenamiento de estos animales árticos y dará instrucciones sobre cómo controlar los trineos, que se conducirán en parejas: mientras uno conduce el acompañante va sentado plácidamente en el trineo. Aquí tendrás la oportunidad de tomar excelentes fotografías y conducir tu propio trineo de huskies. Regresaremos a nuestro hotel para el almuerzo. Por la tarde disfrutaremos de una divertida actividad. Nos equiparemos con raquetas de nieve y daremos un agradable paseo por la naturaleza de los alrededores. Por el camino, nuestro guía compartirá interesantes historias e información sobre la naturaleza y los animales finlandeses. Es una forma perfecta de explorar los alrededores con tranquilidad. La cena será servida en nuestro alojamiento.

Día 4 Moutka. Safari en motos de nieve y encuentro con Santa Claus

Amanece un nuevo día en Laponia. Hoy nos preparamos para uno de los grandes momentos del viaje que los más pequeños y los que no lo son tanto estamos esperando… Tras un buen desayuno en nuestro alojamiento, tendrás la posibilidad de a vivir una experiencia única subidos en potentes motos de nieve atravesando bosques nevados y lagos helados. Todo ello habiéndonos equipados completamente contra el frio y habiendo recibido todas las instrucciones de seguridad y manejo de la moto (es muy sencillo) necesarias para lograr disfrutar de la actividad. Para tranquilidad de los papás y mamás, los más pequeños irán disfrutando del safari de motos de nieve en un trineo arrastrado por las motos de los guías. Con nuestras motos de nieve, iremos en busca de la cabaña secreta de Santa. Cuando la encontremos, de manera privada, familia por familia, podremos conocer en persona al mismísimo Santa Claus en una cabaña en mitad del bosque, podremos conversar con él, hacernos fotos… y disfrutar de un encuentro mágico. Con tantas emociones, seguro que se nos ha abierto el apetito. Almuerzo en el restaurante del complejo. Resto de la tarde libre. Cena y alojamiento

Día 5 Moutka - Ivalo - Madrid

Último día en tierras laponas. Tras degustar el desayuno en nuestro alojamiento, disfrutaremos de tiempo libre para acabar de disfrutar del entorno, hasta la hora del traslado al aeropuerto de Ivalo. Trámites de facturación y embarque en vuelo directo de regreso a Madrid. Horarios (horas locales): Ivalo – Madrid 16.00 – 20.15 h Durante el vuelo disfrutaremos de una merienda-cena a bordo con bebida incluida. Llegada y fin del viaje.

Wilderness Hotel Muotka

Inspired by Sami culture and the local nature, Wilderness Hotel Muotka is located in the northernmost part of Finnish Lapland, in the Saariselkä region. It is a special place for those seeking a unique experience. Additionally, Hotel Muotka is situated on the border of Urho Kekkonen National Park, far from any light pollution, making it a perfect spot for viewing the Northern Lights and enjoying winter activities. Guests can also indulge in the hotel's restaurant, adorned in authentic Finnish style.

  • Standard Rooms: Located in the main building of the hotel, all rooms are decorated with natural colors and rustic style, inspired by the Arctic nature. They are equipped with heating, television, toilet, and shower. Possibility of adding an extra bed.
  • Superior Room with Sauna: Located in log buildings, each building contains four separate 34m² rooms. The superior rooms are spacious and similar to each other in terms of amenities. They feature a double bed, private bathroom, and sauna, and some of them have a sofa bed as an extra bed.
  • Panorama Log Cabin: Spacious cabins with panoramic windows. These cozy and rustic cabins have 1 double bed, a kitchenette, WiFi, sauna, private bathroom, and a fireplace. The cabins are located only 50-150 meters away from the main building and reception. Not all cabins are identical, but they are very similar. The photos are not contractual but represent a sample of the accommodation style.
  • Riverside Log Cabin: New, luxurious cabins with river views. These log cabins are spacious, perfect for large families or groups of friends. They feature a living room, a ground floor bedroom with a double bed and a bathroom with a sauna. Additionally, there is a loft with 3 single beds and a bathroom.

Program from 02 to 06 December 2023
Superior Room Prices
Family Price
1 adult + 1 child $5240
1 adult + 2 children $7575
2 adults $5795
2 adults + 1 child $8145
2 adults + 2 children $10170
Panorama Log Cabin Prices
Family Price
1 adult + 1 child $5715
1 adult + 2 children $8190
2 adults $6475
2 adults + 1 child $8955
2 adults + 2 children $11430
Riverside Log Cabin Prices
Family Price
2 adults + 2 children $11695
2 adults + 3 children $14295
3 adults + 2 children $14955
Aurora Prices
Family Price
1 adult + 1 child $5715
1 adult + 2 children $8190
2 adults $6475
2 adults + 1 child $8955
2 adults + 2 children $10435
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, $100 per person
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
from 21 to 8 days before, 75%
Less than 7 days in advance, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Special direct flight from Madrid to Ivalo, round trip
CO2 footprint compensation
Assistance service at the airport upon departure
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide throughout the trip
Thermal suit for the entire stay (thermal overalls and boots)
Arrival and departure transfers Ivalo Airport to accommodation
Initial and final cleaning of the accommodation
4 nights Wilderness Lodge Muotka
Full board during the trip
Catering with drinks included, on board flights
Breakfast, lunch and dinner at the complex restaurant.
Excursions and activities indicated in the itinerary
Reindeer farm visit
Cross country ski
Safari in search of Auroras
Husky safari
Snowshoe safari
Snowmobile Safari
Encounter with Santa Claus in private for family
Gift for children
Welcome gift pack: Gloves. 1 pair of thermal socks. Balaclava mask.
Complete travel documentation
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience



Flight schedule
12/02/2023 Madrid – Ivalo 09:00 – 15:00 h
12/06/2023 Ivalo – Madrid 16.00 – 20.15 h


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